On Sat, 2022-06-11 at 01:29 +0200, Diederik de Haas wrote:
> Control: notfound -1 linux/5.18.2-1

This doesn't do anything - it would remove a "found" version, but this
bug was never found there.

> Control: retitle -1 kernel 3.2: WCHAN column for procps is NOT working

> On 8 Jun 2013 09:32:48 +0100 Robert de Bath <robert$@debath.co.uk> wrote:
> > Package: linux-image-686-pae
> > 
> > On current Debian kernels the the WCHAN column for procps is NOT working.
> > Run this command:
> > # cat /proc/*/wchan
> > 
> > For current Debian kernels you get all zeros
> # cat /proc/*/wchan
> do_epoll_waitdo_selectdo_sys_polldo_sys_polldo_epoll_waitdo_epoll_waitdo_select
> And the output was a WHOLE lot longer, but I omitted that as it didn't seem 
> useful to paste it all.
> I have no idea when this was fixed as the mentioned kernel config options 
> didn't 
> seem to have changed? Not (yet) closing this as the output is on an amd64 
> kernel and maybe that's different.

I was able to narrow this down a bit with snapshots of each release:

- broken in squeeze, wheezy, and jessie
- partly fixed in stretch and buster (wchan shows function names for
  most sleeping threads, subject to privilege check)
- broken again in bullseye
- fully fixed in 5.16.14-1 (wchan shows function names for all sleeping
  threads, subject to privilege check)

Given that, I think this can be closed with version 5.16.14-1.  The
per-suite status will be correct even if that's not the first fixed


Ben Hutchings
It's easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

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