Thanks Mark,

I worked my way through these build instruction and got successfully to Step 15:
There, I don't know to do.  What is my target platform?  Is it "custom"?
If so, what are the correct values to set?

I also wonder whether that part is optional.  In 8./9. I make and install
the software.  Then I modify the code (in 15.) and make/install again (16./17.)
That's a bit confusing.

Running the demo after the first make/install also doesn't work:

~/linux_libnfc-nci(master)> sudo nfcDemoApp
nfcDemoApp: error while loading shared libraries: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
~/linux_libnfc-nci(master)> echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
~/linux_libnfc-nci(master)> ls $LD_LIBRARY_PATH  pkgconfig  python3.10  
python3.9  python2.7  python3.8

That may be me doing something stupid, though.

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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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