Hi Marc-Robin,

On Sat, Mar 04, 2023 at 09:36:35AM +0100, Marc-Robin Wendt wrote:
> Ok folks. That's it now. I have a server farm with Debian+Xen and I'm
> stuck in a dead end, because this Bug gets not fixed. I delayed kernel
> updates since 5 month now, but can't delay anymore, because of CVE-
> 2022-42328, CVE-2022-42329 and CVE-2022-3643.
> So I have to change to Redhat now? Means my servers will be lost for
> Debian for a pretty while. It's a pity, because like this, Debian
> Project goes down the drain. Maybe the maintainers should think about
> priorities. Bugs like this usually don't affect end consumer devices,
> but the big server farm provider, who btw. donate a pretty much of
> ressources to the Debian Project.

People involved appear to prefer to rant on this bug instead of
providing help and taking note of what was mentioned in
https://bugs.debian.org/1022126#117 and earlier replies and the fact
that the discussion was brought up to upstream by the Debian
maintainers an happens on the upstream regression list:


I take your mail such that you are willing to test accordingly patches
which would be followed by the above thread? Including adding
Tested-by on needed-to-backport patches?


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