Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Initramfs-tools May produce too big images for some arches. This needs
> to be verified and documented (Sven seems most knowledgable about this).
> Yaird needs sysfs on running system so cannot be used from a 2.4
> system. This may not be an issue to d-i.
> Yaird does not support custom hooks. This is probably not a problem for
> d-i.
> None of the new tools support all of the more exotic features, it
> seems. This also probably is irrelevant for d-i.

Thanks, good summary. IIRC the same image size issues also affected
initrd-tools on some powerpc subarches, and initrd-tools ended up being
set to "dep" on powerpc to deal with that.

> I don't understand what "temporary hardcoding of root partition"
> actually means.
> Yaird looks at /etc/fstab for the root partion.

d-i currently does this before installing mkinitrd-tools:

                # Temporarily hardcode the root partition.
                rootpart_devfs=$(mount | grep "on /target " | cut -d' ' -f1)
                rootpartfs=$(mount | grep "on /target " | cut -d' ' -f5)
                rootpart=$(mapdevfs $rootpart_devfs)
                if [ -f $mkinitrdconf ]; then
                        sed -e "s#^ROOT=.*#ROOT='$rootpart $rootpartfs'#" < 
$mkinitrdconf > $ &&
                                mv $ $mkinitrdconf
                        echo "ROOT='$rootpart $rootpartfs'" >> $mkinitrdconf

Appacently Colin has already checked that initramfs-tools doesn't
need such a hack, and since we have a fstab and based on what you said
I've removed the TODO item about needing to check yaird.

see shy jo

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