Control: tags -1 + moreinfo

Hi Nick,

On Fri, May 26, 2023 at 09:25:23AM +0900, Nick Hastings wrote:
> Hi Salvatore,
> thanks for your help. However, I'm now not sure if I really have
> identified the commit that causes my problems. I fear I may have made
> one or more mistakes when setting "git bisect good". I had been under
> the impression that the lock up would happen no more than a few tens of
> minutes after booting, however it seems that sometimes it can take a few
> hours to occur.
> So, I'm running the git bisect again and will be more careful before
> marking "git bisect good". It could take a few days.
> Should this particular bug be closed?

Thanks a lot for reporting back, you time put in into bisect is very
appreciated and valued! No, no need to close this one, as the bug
still persist. Just followup please once you have identified the
culprit with the fresh bisect.

Please do remove by then as well the moreinfo tag again (you can write
a control message with tag -1 - moreinfo, so won't appear as bug
needing information from reporter).

Thank you!


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