On Mon, Oct 09, 2006 at 03:00:02AM +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
> clone 391451 -1
> reassign -1 linux-2.6
> retitle -1 linux-2.6: [powerpc] Please enable the amd74xx driver
> block 391451 with -1
> thanks
> > The on-board hard drive (40 GB Fujitsu MHT2040AS, 2.5", parallel ATA) is
> > not detected.  lspci shows the driver as an AMD 8111, but neither the
> > kernel nor /lib/modules seem to have the amd74xx driver.
> Please enable this ide driver for powerpc. It seems to be needed.

Ok, i will make sure to enable it, i wonder why i missed it.

> P.S. It would be really great if the powerpc kernel maintainer would do 
> his own basic research before crying that it is a d-i problem and making 
> the D-I release manager do his work for him.

If you are going to bash me, then at least have the honestity to name me
personally. I am more than sick to get this insidiuous bashing of yours all
over the place, while i have done nothing but trying to be correct with you
since months.

> This has been the _last time_ I have looked into things for powerpc as in 
> almost all cases I only have to find out that the problem *is not in the 
> installer*!!!!!

So, do the only grown-up thing you can do, and reinstate my d-i commit rights.
You can hardly blame me for having to do the work that i would do if you where
not so childish.

> The Debian powerpc port needs more active porters!!!!

Yeah, and it needs that you stop actively bashing "the powerpc kernel
maintainer" as you did bash "the powerpc d-i porter" previously.

It is clear that you are on a path to try to get me thrown out of debian, and
you are gathering support on this with this kind of comments.

Oh, and BTW, Bastian Blank is as much, if not more, the "powerpc kernel
maintainer" than me these past month, ever since you kicked me out of the d-i
project while i pleaded you to be comprehending, while my mother was dying
beside me. But, then, what can one expect from someone who lacks such basic
decency, as you have shown by your action to be.


Sven Luther

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