On Friday 08 February 2008, dann frazier wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 10:01:53PM +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
> > I have just discussed this on #debian-cd with Sledge, and we've come up
> > with the following (rather brilliant) proposal.
> Let me try and reiterate some points of your proposal to make sure I
> understand. The only install media for etchnhalf will be netinst
> cds. These cds will be limited to i386, amd64, and other archs for
> which a need is demonstrated.

Correct, but I miss one (IMO) important point in the summary.

These netinsts can also be used *in combination with* the full CD/DVD sets 
to install for example the desktop task completely from CD (without using a 
mirror). This is something that is not possible with "normal" netinst CDs.
That is why I describe the "etchnhalf" netinst as "CD 0 of the full set".

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