Dear Mr. Hansen,

I am not a member of the Debian Kernel Team, or any other team for that matter.
I am just an ordinary end user.  But I noticed the message

Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -244351700 ns)

in the kernel log file and wondered if that might be part of your problem.
You yourself have speculated that this might be a timing issue.
That is a huge delta, especially since you're still booting.  I'm curious
to see if the following kernel boot parameters will solve your problem:

clocksource=pit notsc

For a more detailed discussion, see my web site,,
under the heading "Clock Sources".  Even if it does not solve your
problem, you should disable any clock source that is reported as unstable
in a message of the form

Clocksource xxx unstable

if that is possible, with a kernel boot parameter.  In this case, notsc
does it.  I am not subscribed to this bug report; so if you reply,
please copy me separately.

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