please excuse me if I'm sending to you this request but I'm not sure of
where should I pose this question, so feel free to point me to other targets
if you think so.


I recently have bought an internal PCI modem WITH controller (not a
winmodem). It's a robotics 2981 (chipser exar) and it's supported under
linux from kernel 2.6.18 onward.

According to the vendor, the kernel support for this controller is flawed,
or not fully working, so the vendor release a module to make the modem work

The module is released as:

        EXAR Multiport Device Driver Ver 4.4 Installation Guide
         for Linux Kernel 2.6.18 (Tested with openSuse 10.2)
                        Copyright (C) 2007, EXAR.

   All the drivers and utilities are published in form of source code under
   GNU General Public License in this version. Please refer to GNU General
   Public License announcement in each source code file for more detail.

So it should be all compatible with the kernel policy.


Question is:
may I contribute this module to you for including it into next kernel

Thanks, again for your answer.

Luca Arzeni

Luca Arzeni
Tel.: 339 8350298
mailto: l.arz...@gmail.com

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Attachment: usr-xr17c15x-lnx2.6.18-pak.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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