On Wed, 2010-04-28 at 12:33 +0200, Jon wrote:
> Package: cifs-utils
> Version: 2:4.1-1
> Severity: important
> Tags: sid squeeze
> I've got a server with several disks and partitions. I want to group some of
> them together, and I do that by using aufs, example being:
> /mnt/disk1/Pictures/Holiday /mnt/disk1/Pictures/Buildings
> /mnt/disk2/Pictures/Holiday /mnt/disk2/Pictures/Buildings  I then mount the 
> two
> disks with aufs: mount -t aufs -o
> dirs=/mnt/disk1/Pictures/:/mnt/disk2/Pictures/ none  /share/Pictures  I export
> the file system with samba as ro: [server_files]    comment = server_files
> read only = yes    locking = no    path = /share    guest ok = no    follow
> symlinks=yes  I mount that on my workstation which works out fine. As soon as 
> I
> try to access files in the mount my debian gets unstable, and locks up
> eventually. I get this in my log:

I assume that it is the workstation that crashes.  Please try mounting
the share with the additional option 'noserverino', and report whether
that makes a difference.


Ben Hutchings
Once a job is fouled up, anything done to improve it makes it worse.

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