Thomas Goirand wrote:
> I don't want to point fingers here (so I wont check who's involved), but
> I've been advised to point at the wiki. Anyway, this paragraph can now
> be removed if the issue has been fixed.

I haven't seen any claim of a fix for the issue that xen users need to
upgrade manually; just a change in the approved manual procedure.

We had:

# Upgrades from Lenny will not automatically install Xen version 4.0. Instead
# you need to install Xen 4.0 and a corresponding dom0 kernel explicitly. See
# the wiki page for instructions on how to set up the Xen hypervisor and dom0
# kernel under Squeeze.

Apparently now that there are xen-linux-system-2.6-xen-* metapackages
in Squeeze this should read something like:

  Upgrades from Lenny will not automatically install Xen version 4.0.
  Instead you should manually install a xen-linux-system-2.6-xen-686 or
  xen-linux-system-2.6-xen-amd64 metapackage, which will handle the
  dependencies and should facilitate future upgrades. See the wiki page
  for configuration instructions.

My apologies if this is a clueless question, but I'll ask again: how
does this interact with the requirement in the generic upgrade
procedure for a kernel change to handle udev?  Should we be advising
people to do this xen kernel switch early or late in the upgrade?

I attach an updated d-l-eified version (this paragraph was the one
that didn't need any proofreading).
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
<section id="xen-upgrades">
<title>Xen upgrades</title>
If you installed Xen on Lenny, the default kernel booted by
grub-legacy was the one providing a Xen hypervisor and dom0 support.
This behavior has changed with GRUB 2 in Squeeze: the non-Xen kernel
will boot per default. If you need Xen and expect to boot with it by
default, there are configuration hints at
Upgrades from Lenny will not automatically install Xen version 4.0.
Instead you should manually install a xen-linux-system-2.6-xen-686 or
xen-linux-system-2.6-xen-amd64 metapackage, which will handle the
dependencies and should facilitate future upgrades. See the wiki page
for configuration instructions.
Squeeze's 2.6.32 Xen kernel uses pvops instead of the forward-ported
Xenlinux patch. This means that on Squeeze your domU won't be able
to use (for example) sda1 as a device name for its hard drive, since
this naming scheme is not available under pvops. Instead you should
use (as a corresponding example) xvda1, which is compatible with
both old and new Xen kernels.

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