On Vie 29 Abr 2011 22:19:41 Jonathan Nieder escribió:
> A recompile is the only way I know, I'm afraid (but I'd be happy if
> others can correct me).
> The good news is that nowadays the kernel provides a "make deb-pkg"
> rule that does not require running "make clean" between compiles.  So
> if there are any other experiments you want to run later, they can be
> fast.
> [1] explains the process in detail.

Nice, thanks :)
> Sorry,
> Jonathan

There's nothing to be sorry about... Let's try to get that bug ironed out ;-)

6: Cual es el boton del mouse que permite acceder a las acciones mas
comunes del manejo de archivos
    * Depende el tipo de accion mas comun
    Damian Nadales

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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