On Tue, 2011-08-16 at 07:52 +1000, J wrote:
> Hello Ben,
> I have been watching this bug because I have similar behaviour - but I 
> do not know that it is the same.
> I have two exports from the nfs server, which are mounted by one client.
> After boot, it is common for one of the exports to mount correctly, 
> while the other one is nowhere to be seen.
> /etc/network/interfaces is set up like this, straight out of the squeeze 
> setup (6.0.2 release):
> allow-hotplug eth0

'allow-hotplug eth0' means that eth0 will be brought up asynchronously
when it is detected.

However, automounting of NFS directories requires that the network
interface is brought up by the 'networking' service.  You need to
specify 'auto eth0' instead.

> By the way, I was hoping that you (or somebody) could explain what the 
> following snippet is supposed to do:
> case "$FSTYPE" in
>            nfs|nfs4|smbfs|cifs|coda|ncp|ncpfs|ocfs2|gfs)
>              ;;
> It looks like a no-op to me.

That's not a complete statement; the complete statement is:

                case "$FSTYPE" in

which means that the following commands will only be run for the listed
filesystem types.


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