Thursday, October 13, 2011 10:07 AM Jort Koopmans wrote:

>>>Instead of patching this here and there with band aids, I suggest
>>>that everyone with an interest instead invests time in testing
>>>mdadm/experimental, which provides event-based assembly, 
>>I was wondering what documentation the reporter was following. 
>>I haven't seen RAID on USB supported in stable.
>I've not followed any documentation, 

I posted my question to the list for a reason.  hint! 

>I was just hoping to get it working
>since I assumed it would be possible. It was not aware of Raid 1 on USB
>being explicitly not supported, if that's the case you can also consider
>my report to be a feature request :), even though it applies to all
>slowly initialized devices (not per definition USB devices).

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