On 02/22/2014 02:51 AM, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

> I run debian testing on a dual G5 powermac.
> Just upgraded from linux-image-3.4-trunk-powerpc64 to
> linux-image-3.12-1-powerpc64 and found the same issue. The windfarm
> modules are loading but the about 30 seconds to a couple of minutes
> after booting to 3.12-1-powerpc64 the fans speed up to full speed.
> lsmod says the windfarm modules are being loaded, and its the same
> modules being loaded under the 3.4 kernel.
> I have however found a difference. On 3.12 I get:
>     > dmesg | grep windfarm                 
>     [    4.358299] windfarm: initializing for dual-core desktop G5
> whereas on 3.4 I get:
>     > dmesg | grep windfarm                 
>     [    4.791589] windfarm: initializing for dual-core desktop G5
>     [    9.077416] windfarm: CPUs control loops started.
>     [   12.440957] windfarm: Backside control loop started.
>     [   12.491701] windfarm: Slots control loop started.
>     [   12.592933] windfarm: Drive bay control loop started.
> Definitely something wonky there.

My experience is that loading the i2c drivers on kernel 3.12 on a G5
makes the fans calm back down.

I don't remember the name of the module exactly, but it's something like
powermac-i2c.ko or i2c-powermac.ko (i don't have the machine in front of
me), so "modprobe -v powermac-i2c" or "modprobe -v i2c-powermac" should
do it.



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