Ben Hutchings wrote:
> I would write something like:
> Boot loader configuration must be updated to load initramfs
>  This kernel package will build an 'initramfs' file
>  (/boot/initrd.img-@abiname@) that should be loaded by the boot loader
>  in addition to the kernel itself.  The initramfs enables a more
>  flexible boot process, and it is likely that future kernel versions
>  will not boot without an initramfs.
>  .
>  The currently running kernel has been booted without an initramfs.
>  You should reconfigure your boot loader to load the initramfs for
>  Linux version @abiname@ and for each later version.
> But I think that still needs improvement, for example to say clearly
> that each kernel version needs its own initramfs.

Also putting the word "MIPS" back in to reassure users this really is
aimed at them:

  Boot loader configuration must be updated to load initramfs
   This kernel package will build an "initramfs" file
   (/boot/initrd.img-@abiname@) for the boot loader to use in
   addition to the kernel itself. This method, formerly unsupported
   on MIPS, enables a more flexible boot process, and future kernel
   versions may require a corresponding initrd.img to boot.
   The currently running kernel has been booted without an initramfs.
   You should reconfigure your boot loader to load the initramfs for
   Linux version @abiname@ and for each later version.

I also might have suggested moving this from a debconf note to a
NEWS.Debian file, but that would reduce its visibility (since
apt-listchanges only shows them when you're upgrading a new version
of an already-installed package).
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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