Control: tags 622394 + unreproducible

On Wed, 14 May 2014 at 11:15:19 +1200, Matthew Grant wrote:
> When running under systemd:
> o  NFS mounts from /etc/fstab do not work.
> o NFS exports also fail due to rpcbind not starting before nfs-common and nfs-
> kernel-server

I think both of these might have been fixed by some combination
of fixing #510528, and changes in systemd v214 improving support for rcS?

Test case:

* two jessie VMs, "server" and "client", in 192.168.122.x subnet
* install nfs-kernel-server on server
* /etc/exports on server: /srv,sync)
* mkdir /srv/hello on server
* reboot server, it works, no sequencing issues seen in "journalctl -b"
* /etc/fstab on client: /srv nfs _netdev,defaults 0 0
* reboot client, it works, no sequencing issues seen in "journalctl -b"
* client has /srv/hello as desired

Having native systemd units would of course be nice, and native systemd
units for all rcS services seem like a good release goal for jessie+1,
but it seems #622394 (and #748074) might not need to be RC for jessie.

I have some natively systemd-ized versions of Matthew's systemd units
(with enhancements for simpler tmpfiles handling than Riku's debdiff,
more correct dependencies, and /etc/default handling) but so far
they are untested. I'll try to test them on these VMs later.


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