On Tue, 2015-08-11 at 02:20 +0200, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-08-05 at 12:46 +0100, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> [...]
> > Here's where I am with the conversion:
> > https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/kernel/temp/
> I've made many fixes to the scripts today, and pushed them and the
> results to there.  There's only one bug I'm aware of that I think is
> necessary to fix (see below).

Fixed.  All tags and branches look sane and they all match what was in

The package repositories are available at:


and non-packaged documentation and scripts are in:


I intend to *delete* all branches in subversion (i.e. everything under
/dists/) and replace them with placeholder README files referring to
the git repositories, but I'll wait at least until the end of the week
for others to sanity-check the conversion.

For now, I've put in a pre-commit hook to prevent changes outside the
people directory.

> I haven't looked at the hook scripts yet, but I assume that replacing
> them under git will be quite easy.

Done, though the mail hook isn't an exact replacement.

> That leaves .gitignore.  How should we set up .gitignore for the root
> directory when it's already shipped by upstream?  Should we strip it
> from the orig tarball and replace it, or should we patch it (as we
> already do)?

I'm intending to do the latter, but this can always be changed later.


Ben Hutchings
Theory and practice are closer in theory than in practice.
                                - John Levine, moderator of comp.compilers

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