This is the last call for comments for the review of debconf
templates for libdvd-pkg.

The reviewed templates will be sent on Tuesday, August 25, 2015 to this bug 
and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as a subject tag.


Template: libdvd-pkg/first-install
Type: note
 This package automates the process of doing downloads from
 of the source files for ${PKGG}, compiling them, and installing the
 binary deb packages (${PKGG_ALL}).
 Please run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure ${PKGI}" to launch this process for
 the first time.

Template: libdvd-pkg/title_b-i
Type: title
_Description: Download, build and install ${PKGG}${VER}

Template: libdvd-pkg/build
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Download, build, and install ${PKGG}${VER}?
 This package automates the process of doing downloads from
 of the source files for ${PKGG}, compiling them, and installing the
 binary deb packages (${PKGG_ALL}).
 Please confirm whether you wish this to happen.

Template: libdvd-pkg/title_u
Type: title
_Description: Upgrade available for ${PKGG}

Template: libdvd-pkg/upgrade
Type: note
 This package automates the process of doing downloads from
 of the source files for ${PKGG}, compiling them, and installing the
 binary deb packages (${PKGG_ALL}).
 An update to version ${VER} is available, but automatic upgrades are
 Please run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure ${PKGI}" to launch this process
 manually and/or activate automatic upgrades in future.

Template: libdvd-pkg/post-invoke_hook-install
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Enable automatic upgrades for ${PKGG}?
 If activated, the APT post-invoke hook takes care of future automatic
 upgrades of ${PKGG} (which may be triggered by new versions of
 ${PKGI}). When updates are available, the hook will launch the
 process of downloading the source, recompiling it, and (if it can
 acquire a lock on the package database) using "dpkg -i" to install the
 new versions.
 Alternatively, the process can be launched manually by running
 "sudo dpkg-reconfigure ${PKGI}".

Template: libdvd-pkg/post-invoke_hook-remove
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Disable automatic upgrades for ${PKGG}?
 If activated, the APT post-invoke hook takes care of future automatic
 upgrades of ${PKGG} (which may be triggered by new versions of
 ${PKGI}). When updates are available, the hook will launch the
 process of downloading the source, recompiling it, and (if it can
 acquire a lock on the package database) using "dpkg -i" to install the
 new versions.
 Alternatively, the process can be launched manually by running
 "sudo dpkg-reconfigure ${PKGI}".
Source: libdvd-pkg
Section: contrib/utils
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian Multimedia Maintainers 
Uploaders: Dmitry Smirnov <>
Standards-Version: 3.9.6
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9)
Vcs-Git: git://

Package: libdvd-pkg
Architecture: all
Provides: ${guest:Provides}
Depends: ${misc:Depends} ,build-essential
        ,wget | devscripts
Recommends: ${guest:Recommends} ,libcap2-bin
Suggests: ${guest:Suggests}
Description: DVD-Video playing library - installer
 This package fetches, compiles from source code, and installs library
 packages necessary for playing video DVDs with the media player of your
 choice (such as VLC, SMplayer, Totem, etc.).

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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