Salut, version 0.6.
Changement: si le nom du paquet n'est pas donné par le ddts, appelle
apt-cache pour le trouver. Comme ca, ca marche meme tant que le ddts est
cassé si vous avez apt qui pointe sur le bon endroit...

Bye, Mt.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
### Config part
# where to put all the files
# Things you MUST change
my $home="/home/mquinson/ddts";
my $mail_dflt="Hello,\n\n"
  ."Voici ma relecture de ta traduction de description de paquet.\n"
  ."N'hesite pas à me contacter si certaines corrections te paraissent 
  ."Sinon, merci de renvoyer la version corrigée au ddts.\n"
  ."\nBye, Mt.\n";

# Things you can change
my $debug=0;

my $mail_title="[Relecture] description du paquet %s"; # must contain %s
my $mail_enc="8bits";
my $mail_charset="iso-8859-1";

my $todoext="todo";         # extention of files waiting for a review  (*)
my $revext="relu";          # extention of files you already reviewed
my $newmailext="newmail";   # extention of newly created mail files    (*)
my $mailext="mail";         # extention of ready to be sent mail files
my $sentmailext="mailSent"; # extention of mails sent                  (*)

# files in category marked with (*) are automatically generated.
# Don't edit them, change there name before it.

### End of the config part
my $version="0.6";
die "Please configure the script before\n" 
  if $mail_from eq "PLEASE PUT YOU ADDRESS HERE";

if (! -d $home) {
    mkdir $home || die "Can't create $home. Is the script configured ?\n";

sub parse_report {
    my $package;
    my $translator;
    my $desc;
    my $trans;
    my $lang;
    # Pass the mail header
    while (<>) {
        last if (m,^$,);
    # Read all packages
    while (<>) {
        #    print "$_";
        # Read the translator name
        $_=<>; chomp;
        last if $translator eq "";
        print "Translator: $translator\n" if $debug;
        print "Package: $package\n" if $debug;
        if (m,^Description: (.*)$,) {
            while (<>) {
                if (m,^ ,) {
                    $desc .= $_;
                } else {
        print "Description: $desc\n" if $debug;
        if (m,^Description-(..)(_..)?: (.*)$,) {
            while (<>) {
                if (m,^ ,) {
                    $trans .= $_;
                } else {
        if (m,^$,) {
            if ($package eq "") {
                my $shortdesc=$desc;
                $shortdesc =~ s/\n.*//mg;
                open APT, "apt-cache search '$shortdesc'|";
                $package = <APT>;
                $package =~ s/^([^ ]*) .*$/$1/;
                print "I guess '$shortdesc' referes to '$package'\n";
            if ($package eq "" ||
                $translator eq "" ||
                $desc eq "" ||
                $trans eq "" ||
                $lang eq "") {
                    die "Parse error: empty line before the package is well 
                      ."Are you sure I'm parsing a repport from the ddts ?\n";
            if (-e "$home/$package.$todoext") {
                warn "$home/$package.$todoext overwritten...\n"; 

            # Outputs the package
            open PKG, ">$home/$package" 
              || die "Can't open $home/$package\n";
            open TODO, ">$home/$package.$todoext" 
              || die "Can't open $home/$package.$todoext\n";
            my $str ="Translator: $translator\n";
            print "$str\n" if $debug;
            print PKG "$str\n";
            print TODO "$str\n";
            close PKG || die "Can't write '$home/$package': $!\n";
            close TODO || die "Can't write '$home/$package.$todoext': $!\n";
            # clears the variables
            $package=$translator=$desc=$trans=$lang = "";
        # stop when encountering the signature
        last if m,^--$,;
        last if m,^-- $,;

sub make_mails {
    my $boundary;
    my $BCount=0;
    die "Cannot read the content of $home: $! \n"
      unless opendir (PKGLIST,$home);
    chdir $home || die "Can't chdir to $home: $!\n";
    foreach (readdir(PKGLIST)) {
        next if /\.$todoext$/;
        next if /\.$revext$/;
        next if /\.diff$/;
        next if /\.$newmailext$/;
        next if /\.$mailext$/;
        next if /\.$sentmailext$/;
        my $pkg = $_;
        if (-e "$pkg.$revext" && -e "$pkg") {
            if (!system "diff -u $pkg $pkg.$revext > $pkg.diff") {
                # empty diff
                unlink "$pkg.diff";
                unlink "$pkg.$newmailext" if (-e "$pkg.$newmailext");
                unlink "$pkg.$revext"     if (-e "$pkg.$revext");
                unlink "$pkg.$todoext"    if (-e "$pkg.$todoext");
            } else {
                open PKG, "$pkg" || die "Can't read $pkg\n";
                $_ = <PKG>;
                s/Translator: //;
                open MAIL, ">$pkg.$newmailext";
                print  MAIL "To: $_\n";
                print  MAIL "From: $mail_from\n";
                print  MAIL "Subject: ";
                printf MAIL $mail_title,$pkg;
                print  MAIL "\nMime-Version: 1.0\n"
                  ."Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\"\n"
                  ."Content-Disposition: inline\n"
                  ."Content-Transfer-Encoding: $mail_enc\n"
                  ."User-Agent: ddts review helper\n\n\n"
                  ."Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$mail_charset\n"
                  ."Content-Disposition: inline\n"
                  ."Content-Transfer-Encoding: $mail_enc\n\n$mail_dflt\n\n"
                  ."Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$mail_charset\n"
                  ."Content-Disposition: attachment; 
                # puts the diff
                open DIFF, "$pkg.diff";
                while (<DIFF>) {
                    print MAIL "$_";
                # Ends the mime stuff
                print MAIL "--$boundary--\n\n";
                close DIFF;
                close MAIL || die "Can't write $pkg.newmailext\n";
                close PKG;
sub send_mails {
    die "Cannot read the content of $home: $! \n"
      unless opendir (PKGLIST,$home);
    print "ACHTUNG: I am now sending mails to the translators.\n"
      ." I will send these files:\n";
    foreach (readdir(PKGLIST)) {
        next unless /\.$mailext$/;
        print "   - $_\n";
    print "\nIf you made something wrong, you have a 15 seconds to press CTRL 
    sleep 15;

    # Do the job
    die "Cannot read the content of $home: $! \n"
      unless opendir (PKGLIST,$home);
    chdir $home || die "Can't chdir to $home: $!\n";
    foreach (readdir(PKGLIST)) {
        next unless /\.$mailext$/;
        my $pkg = $_;
        $pkg =~ s/\.$mailext$//;
        open SENDMAIL, "| /usr/lib/sendmail -t -oi -oem";
        open MAIL, "$pkg.$mailext";
        open SENTMAIL, ">$pkg.$sentmailext";
        while (<MAIL>) {
            print SENDMAIL $_;
            print SENTMAIL $_;
        close SENDMAIL || die "Can't fork sendmail: $!\n";
        close SENTMAIL || die "Can't copy mail to $pkg.$sentmailext: $!\n";
        close MAIL;
        unlink "$pkg.$mailext";
        print "Send file $pkg.$mailext\n";
    print "done\n";

my $cmd=shift;
if ($cmd eq "parse") {
} elsif ($cmd eq "mail") {
} elsif ($cmd eq "send") {
} else {
    my $me=$0;
    die "Usage $me [parse|mail|send]\n"
      ."  parse: read a ddts from the standard input and change the files in 
      ."  mail:  create the pkg.newmail files which you should edit and send\n"
      ."  send:  send the pkg.mail files (which are edited version of 
      ."\n$me version $version\n";

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