On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 11:20:00PM +0200, Julien Louis wrote:
> J'ai pu constater des differences au niveau de deborphan.1 dans la partie
> traitant des options --guess-*. IL y a seulement eu un petit changement dans
> cette partie, il faut que je regarde ou la gettextisation echoue pour avoir un
> fr.po complet, j'espere avoir fini demain.

La différence était vraiment minime (il manquait un .TP dans la page françisée)
c'est maintenant réglé et le fr.po contenant les trois pages de manuel est créé.
Le voici pour relecture. J'ai traduis les quelques termes qui n'étaient pas

You like to form new friendships and make new acquaintances.
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-06-22  6:44+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING\n"

# type: TH
#: deborphan.1:1
#, no-wrap
msgstr "DEBORPHAN"

# type: TH
#: deborphan.1:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "July 2004"
msgstr "Juillet 2004"

# type: TH
#: deborphan.1:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "deborphan"
msgstr "deborphan"

# type: SH
#.  Copyright (C) 2000 Peter Palfrader
#.  $Id: orphaner.8 498 2004-09-28 17:17:31Z weasel $
#: deborphan.1:7 editkeep.8:6 orphaner.8:6
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr "NOM"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:9
msgid "deborphan - Orphaned package finder"
msgstr "deborphan - Recherche les paquets orphelins"

# type: SH
#: deborphan.1:9 editkeep.8:10 orphaner.8:10
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr "SYNOPSIS"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:12
msgid "B<deborphan> [I<OPTION>]... [I<PACKAGE>]..."
msgstr "B<deborphan> [I<OPTION>]... [I<PAQUET>]..."

# type: SH
#: deborphan.1:12 editkeep.8:14 orphaner.8:14
#, no-wrap

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:17
msgid ""
"I<deborphan> finds packages that have no packages depending on them. The "
"default operation is to search only within the libs and oldlibs sections to "
"hunt down unused libraries."
msgstr ""
"I<deborphan> trouve les paquets dont aucun autre paquet ne dpend. Par dfaut, "
"la recherche est effectue dans les sections \\ libs\\  et \\ oldlibs\\  pour "
"traquer les bibliothques inutilises."

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:23
msgid ""
"If it is invoked with an optional list of packages, only the dependencies on "
"those packages will be checked. The results are printed to stdout as if the "
"option I<--show-deps> had been given. Searching for specific packages will "
"show the package, regardless of its priority. It is possible to specify I<-"
">, to read a list of packages from standard input."
msgstr ""
"Si une liste de paquets lui est passe en paramtre, seules les dpendances sur "
"ces paquets seront recherches. Le rsultat de la recherche est envoy sur la "
"sortie standard comme si l'option I<--show-deps> lui avait t passe. La "
"recherche  partir de paquets passs en paramtre listera tous les paquets "
"trouvs, sans tenir compte de leur priorit. La valeur I<-> permet de "
"transmettre les paquets sur l'entre standard."

# type: SH
#: deborphan.1:24 editkeep.8:25 orphaner.8:35
#, no-wrap
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr "OPTIONS"

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:25
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-h, --help>"
msgstr "B<-h, --help>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:28
msgid "Display a short help message and exit."
msgstr "Affiche une aide sommaire et rend la main."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:28
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-v, --version>"
msgstr "B<-v, --version>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:31
msgid "Display version information and exit."
msgstr "Affiche la version et rend la main."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:31
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-f, --status-file=>I<FILE>"
msgstr "B<-f, --status-file=>I<FICHIER>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:34
msgid "Use FILE as the status file."
msgstr "Utilise FICHIER comme fichier des tats."

# type: SS
#.  show stuff
#: deborphan.1:37
#, no-wrap

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:38
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-d, --show-deps>"
msgstr "B<-d, --show-deps>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:42
msgid ""
"Show a list of packages that are not orphaned and name the packages that "
"depend on them."
msgstr ""
"Affiche la liste des paquets non orphelins en indiquant les paquets qui en "

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:42
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-P, --show-priority>"
msgstr "B<-P, --show-priority>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:45
msgid "Show the priority of the packages found."
msgstr "Affiche la priorit des paquets trouvs."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:45
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-z, --show-size>"
msgstr "B<-z, --show-size>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:48
msgid "Show the installed size of the packages found."
msgstr "Affiche l'espace disque occup par les paquets trouvs."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:48
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-s, --show-section>"
msgstr "B<-s, --show-section>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:51
msgid "Show the sections the packages are in."
msgstr "Affiche les sections auxquelles appartiennent les paquets trouvs."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:51
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--no-show-section>"
msgstr "B<--no-show-section>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:54
msgid ""
"Override showing sections when the default is to show them (see B<--all-"
msgstr ""
"N'affiche pas la section lorsque celle-ci serait affiche par dfaut (voir B<--"

# type: SS
#.  search stuff
#: deborphan.1:56
#, no-wrap

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:57
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-n, --nice-mode>"
msgstr "B<-n, --nice-mode>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:62
msgid ""
"Turn off nice-mode.  Nice-mode checks if there is a package `suggesting' or "
"`recommending' the package.  If one is found, the package will be marked as "
"in use, or, when B<--show-deps> is used, print out the package suggesting "
"the package as if it were depending on it."
msgstr ""
"Dsactive le \\ nice-mode\\ . Lorsque ce mode est activ, deborphan tient "
"compte des dpendances de type \\ suggre\\  (Suggests) ou \\ recommande\\  "
"(Recommends) sur les paquets. S'il en existe, le paquet correspondant sera "
"considr comme utilis ou bien, si l'option B<--show-deps> est aussi utilise, "
"ces dpendances seront affiches."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:62
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-a, --all-packages>"
msgstr "B<-a, --all-packages>"

# type: Plain text
#.   , when compiled with ALL_PACKAGES_IMPLY_SECTION defined (default)
#: deborphan.1:66
msgid ""
"Check all the packages, instead of only those in the libs section. Best used "
"(if at all used) in combination with B<--priority>. This option implies B<--"
msgstr ""
"Vrifie l'ensemble des paquets, sans se limiter aux sections \\ libs\\ .  "
"utiliser de prfrence avec l'option B<--priority>.  Cette option implique B<--"

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:66
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--libdevel>"
msgstr "B<--libdevel>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:69
msgid "Search in section libdevel in addition to libs and oldlibs."
msgstr ""
"tend la recherche  la section \\ libdevel\\  en plus des sections \\ libs\\  "
"et \\ oldlibs\\ ."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:69
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-e, --exclude=>I<LIST>"
msgstr "B<-e, --exclude=>I<LISTE>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:73
msgid ""
"Excludes the packages named in I<LIST> (a comma separated list) from the "
"evaluation as if they didn't exist in the status file."
msgstr ""
"Exclut les paquets indiqus dans I<LISTE> (valeurs spares par une virgule) "
"comme s'ils n'existaient pas dans le fichier des tats."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:73
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-p, --priority=>I<PRIORITY>"
msgstr "B<-p, --priority=>I<PRIORIT>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:76
msgid ""
"Show only those packages with a priority equal to, or greater than "
"I<PRIORITY>. I<PRIORITY> may be in the range of 1-5, or one of I<required>, "
"I<important>, I<standard>, I<optional>, I<extra>. Default value for "
"I<PRIORITY> is 2 (I<important>)."
msgstr ""
"N'affiche que les paquets dont la priorit vaut au moins I<PRIORIT>. "
"I<PRIORIT> est compris entre 1 et 5, ou bien une des valeurs suivantes : "
"I<required>, I<important>, I<standard>, I<optional>, I<extra>. La valeur par "
"dfaut de I<PRIORIT> est 2 (I<important>)."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-H, --force-hold>"
msgstr "B<-H, --force-hold>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:80
msgid ""
"Ignore \"hold\" flags on packages. Normally packages with the \"hold\" flag "
"set will not be displayed."
msgstr ""
"Ignore l'indicateur \\ hold\\  des paquets. Sans cette option, ces paquets "
"ne seraient pas affichs."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:80
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--find-config>"
msgstr "B<--find-config>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:84
msgid ""
"This option searches for uninstalled packages which still have configuration "
"files on the system.  It implies the B<-a> option."
msgstr ""
"Recherche les paquets non installs qui pourraient encore avoir des fichiers "
"de configuration sur le systme. Cette option implique B<--all-packages>."

# type: SS
#.  keep file stuff
#: deborphan.1:86
#, no-wrap

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:87
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-A, --add-keep >I<PKG1>...I<PKGn>"
msgstr "B<-A, --add-keep >I<PKG1>...I<PKGn>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:92
msgid ""
"Add packages to the list of packages which are never to be reported, "
"regardless of their state. You may specify 'B<->' to use standard input. "
"Note that package names are case-sensitive."
msgstr ""
"Ajoute des paquets  la liste des paquets  conserver (qui ne seront jamais "
"considrs comme orphelins quel que soit leur tat). En utilisant B<->, l'entre "
"standard sera utilise pour indiquer les paquets. Attention, leur nom est "
"sensible  la casse."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:92
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-R, --del-keep >I<PKG1>...I<PKGn>"
msgstr "B<-R, --del-keep >I<PKG1>...I<PKGn>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:98
msgid ""
"Remove packages from the list of packages which are never to be reported.  "
"You may specify 'B<->' to use standard input.  If there are no dependencies "
"for this package next time I<deborphan> is invoked, it will be reported "
msgstr ""
"Supprime des paquets de la liste des paquets  conserver. En utilisant B<->, "
"l'entre standard sera utilise pour indiquer les paquets. Si aucune dpendance "
"pour ces paquets n'est trouve lors de la prochaine excution de deborphan, "
"ils seront affichs."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:98
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-L, --list-keep>"
msgstr "B<-L, --list-keep>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:101
msgid "Show the list of packages that are being kept back."
msgstr "Affiche la liste des paquets  conserver."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:101
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-Z, --zero-keep>"
msgstr "B<-Z, --zero-keep>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:105
msgid ""
"Purge the entire list of packages that are being kept back. The only option "
"possible in combination with this option is B<-A>."
msgstr ""
"Vide le fichier contenant la liste des paquets  conserver. Seule l'option B<-"
"A> peut tre utilise simultanment."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:105
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-k, --keep-file=>I<FILE>"
msgstr "B<-k, --keep-file=>I<FICHIER>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:108
msgid "Use I<FILE> to store the list of kept-back packages."
msgstr "Utilise I<FICHIER> pour stocker la liste des paquets  conserver."

# type: SS
#.  debfoster stuff - not compiled in debian
#.  \fB\-\-df\-keep\fP
#.  Use debfoster's keepfile, regardless of the default setting. Can not be used
#.  if deborphan was compiled without support for debfoster.
#.  .TP
#.  \fB\-\-no\-df\-keep\fP
#.  Do not use debfoster's keepfile.
#.  .TP
#: deborphan.1:118
#, no-wrap
msgid "GUESSING"

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:120
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--guess-*>"
msgstr "B<--guess-*>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:126
msgid ""
"deborphan can try to guess what packages may not be of much use to you by "
"examining the package's name and/or description. It will pretend the package "
"is in the I<main/libs> section, and report it as if it were a library. This "
"method is in no way perfect or even reliable, so beware when using this!"
msgstr ""
"deborphan va essayer de deviner quels sont les paquets qui pourraient ne pas "
"tre trs utiles en examinant leur nom ou leur description. Il partira du "
"principe que le paquet se trouve dans la section \\ main/libs\\  et "
"l'valuera comme s'il s'agissait d'une bibliothque. Cette mthode est loin "
"d'tre parfaite voire fiable, attention en l'utilisant !"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:129
msgid "The following options are to be prefixed by I<--guess->:"
msgstr "Les options suivantes doivent tre prfixes par I<--guess-> :"

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:130
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<perl>"
msgstr "B<perl>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:133
msgid ""
"This option tries to find perl modules. It tries to match I<^lib.*-perl$>."
msgstr "Cherche les modules perl, correspondant au motif I<^lib.*-perl$>."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:134
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<python>"
msgstr "B<python>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:138
msgid ""
"This option tries to find python modules. It tries to match I<^python[[:"
msgstr ""
"Cherche les modules python, correspondant au motif I<^python[[:digit:]]*->."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:139
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<pike>"
msgstr "B<pike>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:143
msgid ""
"This option tries to find pike modules. It tries to match I<^pike[[:digit:]]"
msgstr ""
"Cherche les modules pike, correspondant au motif I<^pike[[:digit:]]*->."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:144
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ruby>"
msgstr "B<ruby>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:148
msgid ""
"This option tries to find ruby modules. It tries to match I<^lib.*-ruby$>."
msgstr "Cherche les modules ruby, correspondant au motif I<^lib.*-ruby$>."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:149
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<interpreters>"
msgstr "B<interpreters>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:153
msgid ""
"Try to find all interpreter modules (i.e. imply B<ruby>, B<pike>, B<python> "
"and B<perl>)."
msgstr ""
"Cherche les modules de tous les interprteurs : B<ruby>, B<pike>, B<python> "
"et B<perl>."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:154
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<section>"
msgstr "B<section>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:159
msgid ""
"This option tries to find libraries that were accidentally placed in the "
"wrong section. It tries to match I<^lib>, but not if it ends in one of: I<-"
"dbg>, I<-doc>, I<-perl>, or I<-dev>."
msgstr ""
"Cherche les bibliothques qui auraient accidentellement t places dans la "
"mauvaise section, correspondant au motif I<^lib>, mais ne se terminant pas "
"par : I<-dbg>, I<-doc>, I<-perl> ou I<-dev>."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:160
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<dev>"
msgstr "B<dev>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:164
msgid ""
"This option tries to find development packages, i.e. packages with names "
"ending in I<-dev>.  Also see option B<--libdevel>."
msgstr ""
"Cherche les paquets de dveloppement, dont le nom s'achve en I<-dev>. Voir "
"aussi l'option B<--libdevel>."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:165
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<debug>"
msgstr "B<debug>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:169
msgid ""
"This option tries to find debugging libraries, i.e. packages with names "
"ending in I<-dbg>."
msgstr "Cherche les bibliothque de dbogage, dont le nom s'achve en I<-dbg>."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:170
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<common>"
msgstr "B<common>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:174
msgid ""
"This option tries to find common packages, i.e. packages with names ending "
"in I<-common>."
msgstr "Cherche les paquets partags, dont le nom s'achve en I<-common>."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:175
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<data>"
msgstr "B<data>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:179
msgid ""
"This option tries to find data packages, i.e. packages with names ending in "
msgstr "Cherche les paquets de donnes, dont le nom s'achve en I<-data>."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:180
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<doc>"
msgstr "B<doc>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:184
msgid ""
"This option tries to find documentation packages, i.e. packages with names "
"ending in I<-doc>."
msgstr "Cherche les paquets de documentation, dont le nom s'achve en I<-doc>."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:185
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<dummy>"
msgstr "B<dummy>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:189
msgid ""
"This option tries to find dummy packages, i.e. packages with I<dummy> or "
"I<transitional> in their short description."
msgstr ""
"Cherche les paquets factices, dont la description courte contient I<dummy> "
"ou I<transitional>."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:190
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<all>"
msgstr "B<all>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:193
msgid "Try all of the above."
msgstr "Cherche tous les paquets dcrits ci-dessus."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:194
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<only>"
msgstr "B<only>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:199
msgid ""
"Ignore the package's section completely, and just go for the name and/or "
"description. This option must be used in conjuction with one or more of the "
"B<--guess> options listed above, or deborphan will not display anything."
msgstr ""
"Ignore totalement la section du paquet et se contente d'examiner le nom ou "
"la description courte.  utiliser simultanment avec une ou plusieurs options "
"B<--guess> dcrites ci-dessus ; dans le cas contraire, deborphan n'affichera "

# type: SH
#: deborphan.1:200
#, no-wrap
msgid "FILES"
msgstr "FICHIERS"

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:201
#, no-wrap
msgid "I</var/lib/dpkg/status>"
msgstr "I</var/lib/dpkg/status>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:206
msgid ""
"Statuses of available packages. See the section B<INFORMATION ABOUT "
"PACKAGES> in I<dpkg>'s man-page for more information"
msgstr ""
"tat des paquets disponibles. Voir la section B<RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LES "
"PAQUETS> dans la page de manuel de I<dpkg> pour avoir plus de renseignements."

# type: TP
#: deborphan.1:206
#, no-wrap
msgid "I</var/lib/deborphan/keep>"
msgstr "I</var/lib/deborphan/keep>"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:210
msgid ""
"A newline-seperated list of packages to keep. Package names are in no "
"particular order."
msgstr ""
"Liste des paquets  ignorer par deborphan, spars par des retours  la ligne. "
"Les noms de paquet ne sont pas tris."

# type: SH
#: deborphan.1:210 editkeep.8:29 orphaner.8:52
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr "VOIR AUSSI"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:217
msgid ""
"B<dpkg>(8), B<dselect>(8), B<orphaner>(8), B<editkeep>(8), B<cruft>(8), "
msgstr ""
"B<dpkg>(8), B<dselect>(8), B<orphaner>(8), B<editkeep>(8), B<cruft>(8), "

# type: SH
#: deborphan.1:217
#, no-wrap
msgid "BUGS"
msgstr "ANOMALIES"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:220
msgid ""
"If you report a bug, please include your I</var/lib/dpkg/status> file.  That "
"would help in reproducing the bugs."
msgstr ""

# type: SH
#: deborphan.1:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHORS"
msgstr "AUTEURS"

# type: Plain text
#: deborphan.1:223
msgid ""
"deborphan was written by Cris van Pelt E<lt>\"Cris van Pelt\"@tribe.eu."
"orgE<gt> but is nowadays maintained by Peter Palfrader E<lt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
msgstr ""

# type: TH
#: editkeep.8:1 orphaner.8:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "orphaner"
msgstr "orphaner"

# type: TH
#: editkeep.8:1 orphaner.8:1
#, no-wrap
msgid "April 2004"
msgstr "Avril 2004"

# type: Plain text
#: editkeep.8:9
msgid "editkeep - frontend for deborphan"
msgstr ""
"editkeep - Interface de deborphan pour la gestion des paquets  conserver"

# type: Plain text
#: editkeep.8:13
msgid "B<editkeep> [options]"
msgstr "B<editkeep> [options]"

# type: Plain text
#: editkeep.8:19
msgid ""
"B<editkeep> is a frontend for B<deborphan> displaying a list of orphaned "
"packages (-a for all-sections is implied) and packages which are tagged to "
"never been shown using dialog or whiptail."
msgstr ""
"B<editkeep> est une interface de B<deborphan> utilisant B<whiptail> ou "
"B<dialog> qui affiche la liste des paquets orphelins (avec l'option -a qui "
"affiche l'ensemble des sections) et des paquets marqus comme  conserver (qui "
"ne seront jamais considrs comme orphelins quel que soit leur tat)."

# type: Plain text
#: editkeep.8:24
msgid ""
"Packages may be selected to be added or removed from deborphans keep list, i."
"e. the list of files it never proposes for removal."
msgstr ""
"Les paquets peuvent tre slectionns pour tre ajouts ou supprims de la liste "
"des paquets  conserver."

# type: Plain text
#: editkeep.8:28
msgid "n its manpage for description."
msgstr ""
"B<-n> Dsactive le \\ nice-mode\\ . Voir la page de manuel de deborphan pour "
"obtenir plus de prcisions."

# type: Plain text
#: editkeep.8:34 orphaner.8:57
msgid "B<deborphan>(1), B<orphaner>(8), B<apt-get>(8)"
msgstr "B<deborphan>(1), B<orphaner>(8), B<apt-get>(8)"

# type: Plain text
#: orphaner.8:9
msgid "orphaner - frontend for deborphan"
msgstr "orphaner - Interface pour deborphan"

# type: Plain text
#: orphaner.8:13
msgid "B<orphaner> [B<--help>|B<--purge>] [I<deborphan options>]"
msgstr "B<orphaner> [B<--help>|B<--purge>] [I<options deborphan>]"

# type: Plain text
#: orphaner.8:22
msgid ""
"B<orphaner> is a neat frontend for B<deborphan> displaying a list of "
"orphaned packages with dialog or whiptail. Packages may be selected for "
"removal with B<apt-get> which is then called to do the work. After removal a "
"new list of orphaned packages is gathered from deborphan. The program ends "
"when either `Cancel' is pressed or no package is marked for removal."
msgstr ""
"B<orphaner> est une interface pour B<deborphan> utilisant B<dialog> ou "
"B<whiptail> qui affiche la liste des paquets orphelins. Les paquets peuvent "
"tre slectionns pour tre supprims avec B<apt-get> qui sera alors appel pour "
"effectuer la suppression. Aprs suppression, la liste des paquets orphelins "
"est ractualise. Le programme rend la main lorsque \\ Annuler\\  est choisi "
"ou bien lorsqu'aucun paquet n'est choisi pour suppression."

# type: Plain text
#: orphaner.8:25
msgid ""
"After you removed a package, all new orphaned packages are shown at the top "
"of the list separated by +++++ from the old list."
msgstr ""
"Aprs suppression d'un paquet, les paquets nouvellement orphelins sont lists, "
"spars des anciens par une ligne \\ +++++\\ ."

# type: Plain text
#: orphaner.8:31
msgid ""
"Orphaner also shows two additional buttons: `Simulate' and `Help'.  "
"`Simulate' does like its name suggest only a simulation of removing and "
"shows the result that would appear after real removing. So you can see the "
"packages, which will become orphaned and you can select them and remove all "
"packages with one B<apt-get> call."
msgstr ""
"Orphaner propose deux autres boutons : \\ Simuler\\  et \\ Aide\\ . Comme "
"son nom l'indique, \\ Simuler\\  permet de simuler la suppression en "
"montrant la liste qui apparatrait s'il s'agissait d'une vritable "
"suppression. Il est ainsi possible de voir les paquets qui seraient rendus "
"orphelins suite  cette suppresison et de les slectionner aussi pour faire "
"une suppression globale avec un seul appel de B<apt-get>."

# type: Plain text
#: orphaner.8:34
msgid ""
"`Help' shows you the status of the package given by B<dpkg -s>.  B<Caution:> "
"your selection will be lost."
msgstr ""
"\\ Aide\\  affiche l'tat du paquet tel qu'il serait donn par B<dpkg -s>.  "
"B<Attention :> la slection en cours ne sera pas conserve."

# type: IP
#: orphaner.8:36
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--help>"
msgstr "B<--help>"

# type: Plain text
#: orphaner.8:38
msgid "Print a short help and exit."
msgstr "Affiche une aide sommaire et rend la main."

# type: IP
#: orphaner.8:39
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<--purge>"
msgstr "B<--purge>"

# type: Plain text
#: orphaner.8:41
msgid "Call B<apt-get> remove with the B<--purge> option."
msgstr "Appelle B<apt-get remove> avec l'option B<--purge>."

# type: Plain text
#: orphaner.8:51
msgid ""
"B<orphaner> accepts most, but not all, options that B<deborphan> accepts.  "
"These options are passed to B<deborphan> unchanged, and described in "
"B<deborphan>'s manpage.  Options which are not accepted include switches to "
"manage the keep file, and switches to change the output format.  Note that "
"switches which take an argument need to passed as one argument to "
"B<orphaner>.  For instance to only show packages of priority I<optional> and "
"less important, you need to use B<--priority=optional> (i.e. with the B<=> "
"sign, not with a space)."
msgstr ""
"B<orphaner> accepte la plupart des options, mais pas toutes, de "
"B<deborphan>. Ces options sont passes tel quel  B<deborphan> et sont dcrites "
"dans la page de manuel de B<deborphan>.  Les options incompatibles "
"comprennent les commutateurs qui permettent de grer les paquets  conserver "
"et ceux qui modifient le format d'affichage.  Les commutateurs qui prennent "
"un paramtre doivent tre passs comme un paramtre de B<orphaner>. Par exemple, "
"pour n'afficher que les paquets de priorit au moins I<optional>, il faudra "
"utiliser B<--priority=optional> (i.e. avec le signe B<=> et non avec un "

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