La page de manuel fsck.minix.8 du paquet util-linux doit être traduite
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Thomas Huriaux
# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-05-06 22:55+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING"

# type: TH
#: fsck.minix.8:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "FSCK"
msgstr ""

# type: TH
#: fsck.minix.8:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "2 July 1996"
msgstr ""

# type: TH
#: fsck.minix.8:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "Util-Linux 2.6"
msgstr ""

# type: TH
#: fsck.minix.8:4
#, no-wrap
msgid "Linux Programmer's Manual"
msgstr ""

# type: SH
#: fsck.minix.8:5
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:7
msgid "fsck.minix - a file system consistency checker for Linux"
msgstr ""

# type: SH
#: fsck.minix.8:7
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:10
msgid "B<fsck.minix [ -larvsmf ]> device"
msgstr ""

# type: SH
#: fsck.minix.8:10
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:14
msgid ""
"B<fsck.minix> performs a consistency check for the Linux MINIX filesystem.  "
"The current version supports the 14 character and 30 character filename "
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:21
msgid ""
"The program assumes the file system is quiescent.  B<fsck.minix> should not "
"be used on a mounted device unless you can be sure nobody is writing to it "
"(and remember that the kernel can write to it when it searches for files)."
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:23
msgid "The device will usually have the following form:"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:29
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"/dev/hda[1-63] (IDE disk 1)\n"
"/dev/hdb[1-63] (IDE disk 2)\n"
"/dev/sda[1-15] (SCSI disk 1)\n"
"/dev/sdb[1-15] (SCSI disk 2)\n"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:40
msgid ""
"If the file system was changed (i.e., repaired), then B<fsck.minix> will "
"print \"FILE SYSTEM HAS CHANGED\" and will B<sync>(2)  three times before "
"exiting.  Since Linux does not currently have raw devices, there is I<no> "
"need to reboot at this time."
msgstr ""

# type: SH
#: fsck.minix.8:40
#, no-wrap
msgid "WARNING"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:52
msgid ""
"B<fsck.minix> should B<not> be used on a mounted filesystem.  Using "
"B<fsck.minix> on a mounted filesystem is very dangerous, due to the "
"possibility that deleted files are still in use, and can seriously damage a "
"perfectly good filesystem! If you absolutely have to run B<fsck.minix> on a "
"mounted filesystem (i.e., the root filesystem), make sure nothing is writing "
"to the disk, and that no files are \"zombies\" waiting for deletion."
msgstr ""

# type: SH
#: fsck.minix.8:52
#, no-wrap
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: fsck.minix.8:53
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-l>"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:56
msgid "Lists all filenames"
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: fsck.minix.8:56
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-r>"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:59
msgid "Performs interactive repairs"
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: fsck.minix.8:59
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-a>"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:66
msgid ""
"Performs automatic repairs (this option implies B<-r>), and serves to answer "
"all of the questions asked with the default.  Note that this can be "
"extremely dangerous in the case of extensive file system damage."
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: fsck.minix.8:66
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-v>"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:69
msgid "Verbose"
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: fsck.minix.8:69
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-s>"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:72
msgid "Outputs super-block information"
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: fsck.minix.8:72
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-m>"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:75
msgid "Activates MINIX-like \"mode not cleared\" warnings"
msgstr ""

# type: TP
#: fsck.minix.8:75
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-f>"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:79
msgid ""
"Force file system check even if the file system was marked as valid (this "
"marking is done by the kernel when the file system is unmounted)."
msgstr ""

# type: SH
#: fsck.minix.8:79
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:90
msgid ""
"B<fsck>(8), B<fsck.ext>(8), B<fsck.ext2>(8), B<fsck.xiafs>(8), B<mkfs>(8), "
"B<mkfs.minix>(8), B<mkfs.ext>(8), B<mkfs.ext2>(8), B<mkfs.xiafs>(8).  "
msgstr ""

# type: SH
#: fsck.minix.8:90
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:93
msgid ""
"There are numerous diagnostic messages.  The ones mentioned here are the "
"most commonly seen in normal usage."
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:100
msgid ""
"If the device does not exist, B<fsck.minix> will print \"unable to read "
"super block\".  If the device exists, but is not a MINIX file system, "
"B<fsck.minix> will print \"bad magic number in super-block\"."
msgstr ""

# type: SH
#: fsck.minix.8:100
#, no-wrap
msgid "EXIT CODES"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:104
msgid "The exit code returned by B<fsck.minix> is the sum of the following:"
msgstr ""

# type: IP
#: fsck.minix.8:104
#, no-wrap
msgid "0"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:106
msgid "No errors"
msgstr ""

# type: IP
#: fsck.minix.8:106
#, no-wrap
msgid "3"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:109
msgid ""
"File system errors corrected, system should be rebooted if file system was "
msgstr ""

# type: IP
#: fsck.minix.8:109
#, no-wrap
msgid "4"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:111
msgid "File system errors left uncorrected"
msgstr ""

# type: IP
#: fsck.minix.8:111
#, no-wrap
msgid "8"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:113
msgid "Operational error"
msgstr ""

# type: IP
#: fsck.minix.8:113
#, no-wrap
msgid "16"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:115
msgid "Usage or syntax error"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:117
msgid "In point of fact, only 0, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 16 can ever be returned."
msgstr ""

# type: SH
#: fsck.minix.8:117
#, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHOR"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:119
msgid "Linus Torvalds ([EMAIL PROTECTED])"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:121
msgid "Error code values by Rik Faith ([EMAIL PROTECTED])"
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:124
msgid ""
"Added support for file system valid flag: Dr. Wettstein "
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:127
msgid ""
"Check to prevent fsck of mounted filesystem added by Daniel Quinlan "
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:131
msgid ""
"Minix v2 fs support by Andreas Schwab "
"([EMAIL PROTECTED]), updated by Nicolai Langfeldt "
msgstr ""

# type: Plain text
#: fsck.minix.8:132
msgid "Portability patch by Russell King ([EMAIL PROTECTED])."
msgstr ""

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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