
Le 27/07/2011 10:05, David Prévot a écrit :

> Les communiqués de presse s'accumulent avec la DebConf (j'en ai deux
> autres sous le coude que j'espère finaliser rapidement).

Bon, j'avoue avoir du mal à suivre le rythme de la DebConf, et prend du
retard, donc je remercie d'avance la personne volontaire de répondre par
un ITT et de suivre la procédure habituelle.



P.-S. : Je n'avais commencé qu'à écrire les lignes suivantes, vous
pouvez en faire ce que vous voulez.

DebConf 11, la conférence Debian a ouvert ses porte à Banja
Luka, en République serbe de Bosnie, Bosnie-Herzégovine.

Comme lors des précédentes conférences, les flux vidéo de la plupart des
sessions sont disponibles, permettant aux contributeurs ne pouvant [...]

<define-tag pagetitle>DebConf 11 started</define-tag>
<define-tag release_date>2011-07-25</define-tag>
#use wml::debian::news

<p>DebConf 11, the annual Debian conference opened its doors today in Banja Luka, 
Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. As with previous conferences
streams of most sessions will be made available, allowing contributors who
couldn't attend the conference to still participate and send in questions
and comments via specific IRC channels. The easiest way to do so is via the
<a href="";>DebConf Watch</a>
website, which also contains several useful other tabs.

<p>Yesterday the conference already commenced with the DebianDay, a
conference day aimed at a wider, local audience. It featured talks on
<q>Understanding Debian</q>,  <q>Debian in Enterprise: A Google Case
Study</q> and <q>How to contribute and get involved</q>. It was a great
success, not only bringing the Debian Community nearer to local
contributors, but also by catching the interest of the wider society as has
never happened before.</p>

So the opening ceremony was not only attended by Ćulibrk Predrag, General
Manager of m:tel, the biggest local internet and phone provider, but also
by Jasmin Komić, the Minister of Science and Technology and Aleksandar
Džombić, the Prime Minister. In a moving speech Milorad Dodik, the
President of Republika Srpska, who supported the idea of DebConf11 in Banja
Luka for the last two years, told the audience that he is proud to see that Banja
Luka and Republika Srpska succeeded to have DebConf11 here, even though
there was some fierce competition. Adnan Hodzic, local organizer, is hoping
that DebConf will attract the public's attention in Republika Srpska and
Bosnia and Herzegovina about what GNU/Linux and Debian systems are.

DebConf will last until July 31 and feature a 78 session program (not
including spontaneous <q>adhoc</q> sessions) which will include talks and
workshops on Multiarch, Ports to new architectures, and better collaboration
with derivative distributions, as well as an extensive social program. 
This year's conference is attended by over 400 participants from 50

The Debian Project would also like to thank the sponsors who made this conference
  <li><a href="";>Government of the Republika
  <li><a href="";>m:tel</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>Google</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>Canonical</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>HP</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>Linaro</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>ProfitBricks</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>Credativ</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>ARM</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>Renesas</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>Thomas Krenn AG</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>Wavecon</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>Univention</a></li>
  <li><a href="";>Brandorr</a></li>

<h2>About Debian</h2>

The Debian Project was founded in 1993 by Ian Murdock to be a truly
free community project. Since then the project has grown to be one of
the largest and most influential open source projects.  Thousands of
volunteers from all over the world work together to create and
maintain Debian software. Available in 70 languages, and
supporting a huge range of computer types, Debian calls itself the
<q>universal operating system</q>.

<h2>About DebConf</h2>

<p>DebConf is the Debian Project's developer conference. In addition to a
full schedule of technical, social and policy talks, DebConf provides an
opportunity for developers, contributors and other interested people to
meet in person and work together more closely. It has taken place
annually since 2000 in locations as varied as Canada, Finland, and
Mexico. More information about DebConf is available from the
<a href="";>DebConf website</a>.</p>

<h2>More Information</h2>

<p>More information about DebConf11 can be found on the <a
href="";>conference website</a>
or by contacting the DebConf Global
Press Team at &lt;;.</p>

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