
Le 19/12/2011 07:41, Guillaume Seren a écrit :

> Je débute


> Mes remarques :
> *oilgasua.wml : La phrase de conclusion fait un peu doublon avec la fin
> du paragraphe précédent.
> *regensburg.wml : La phrase de conclusion semble coupée, par rapport au
> fichier fournis.

Mmmh, j'ai peur que tu ne te sois emmêlé les pinceaux dans le diff, je
joins les fichiers à jour en anglais pour plus de commodité (je crois
qu'il y a des parties de l'ancienne et de la nouvelle version dans tes


# From: Randy Rueckner <>
# Ping: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 10:36Randy Rueckner <>

<define-tag pagetitle>Computing Centre, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany</define-tag>
<define-tag webpage></define-tag>

#use wml::debian::users

Currently we are running over 400 Linux-Workstations for scientific
staff distributed  all over the campus and the number is still
constantly growing, two dedicated computer pools for students with
40 machines and several servers, all equipped with Debian stable.

Beyond that, all of the over 28000 campus-wide registered PCs have
the ability to run our distribution as a live-system over NFS.

On a typical workday about 100 peoples use that feature.

Apart from the servers, all computers
are integrated in our LDAP-Tree and get their home directories via NFS
from a central file server.
Updates are distributed via our own internal mirror.

To configure these machines we also run a repository with our own packages, so
that the users in the faculties do not have to do any system administration.

In the near future our 220-node HPC cluster will also
be equipped with our Debian stable-based distribution.
  Debian was mainly chosen for its ease of administration and software 
  updates. Its well-tested release policy reduces the amount of updates and 
  guarantees stability. Furthermore lots of free documentation is available 
  which allows insights into the technical details of the system.
# From: Andriy Lesyuk <>
# Ping: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 12:21:50 +0200 <>

<define-tag pagetitle>Software &amp; Networking Lab, National University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine</define-tag>
<define-tag webpage></define-tag>

#use wml::debian::users

The university uses Debian on its main network servers.

Softwares run include: Apache, BIND, ProFTPd, Postfix, MySQL, Courier.
Debian is more stable, configurable (therefore powerful) and server-oriented
than other distributions.
# From: Remy Jette <>
# Ping: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 01:22:44 -0500 <>

<define-tag pagetitle>Game Development Club, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA, USA</define-tag>
<define-tag webpage></define-tag>

#use wml::debian::users

Debian currently runs on our main webserver (
— Dual AMD Opteron 4180), which also hosts our game servers.

It is planned to be installed on our other server (
— Dual AMD Opteron 240) soon when it is retooled to serve new needs
in our organization as Debian has served us extremely well so far.
We chose Debian when building our newest server (
due to its ease of setup, its stability, and for the
administrator's familiarity with it as a long-time Debian user.

The excellent APT system, and Debian's security were also
factors in the decision to use Debian on our machines.

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