*** Errors validating /srv/www.debian.org/www/index.el.html: ***
Line 79, character 14:  element "ARTICLE" undefined
Line 85, character 14:  element "ARTICLE" undefined
Line 91, character 14:  element "ARTICLE" undefined
Line 97, character 14:  element "ARTICLE" undefined
Line 103, character 14:  element "ARTICLE" undefined
Line 220, character 49:  there is no attribute "DATETIME"
Line 220, character 69:  there is no attribute "CLASS"
Line 220, character 109:  element "TIME" undefined
Line 221, character 102:  element "TIME" undefined
Line 222, character 103:  element "TIME" undefined
Line 223, character 103:  element "TIME" undefined
Line 224, character 4:  end tag for element "P" which is not open
*** Errors validating /srv/www.debian.org/www/intro/people.el.html: ***
Line 51, character 3:  document type does not allow element "P" here;
        missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 60, character 3:  document type does not allow element "P" here;
        missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 65, character 3:  document type does not allow element "P" here;
        missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 69, character 4:  document type does not allow element "H3" here;
        missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 70, character 3:  document type does not allow element "P" here;
        missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 78, character 3:  document type does not allow element "P" here;
        missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 81, character 4:  document type does not allow element "H2" here;
        missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 82, character 3:  document type does not allow element "P" here;
        missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 83, character 4:  document type does not allow element "UL" here;
        missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 88, character 45:  end tag for "A" omitted, but its declaration does
        not permit this
Line 94, character 4:  document type does not allow element "H2" here;
        missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 95, character 3:  document type does not allow element "P" here;
        missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 101, character 17:  document type does not allow element "DIV" here;
        missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tag
Line 102, character 6:  end tag for "H2" omitted, but its declaration does
        not permit this

 You received this mail for the language code el.
 Please edit webwml/english/devel/website/validation.data if this is not 
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