on  Thu, 10 Feb 2005 09:58:42 +0100
beatrice  wrote

> Well, usually I would suggest the mailing list tp(at)lists.linux.it (the
> mailing list which deals with the Italian translations of GNU programs)
> but it's an uncommon practice to review someone else's work without
> talking to him/her. I don't know how many of us would feel comfortable
> in doing that; I sure wouldn't and I'd rather talk to the translator
> directly. I think that's part of the reason you didn't get any answer
> here.

Well, I've just checked the translation, although I looked at it considering

only the correctness of its grammar not  the style, that somewhere could

be modified :-/
Sorry, my hurry was unjustified.

> So my suggestion is for you to talk with the translator and ask him/her
> to send the translated .po to tp(at)lists.linux.it (or here if you
> prefer) as part of the message (not as an attachment). The help file
> could also be reviewed this way, if it isn't too big. I'm sure this way
> your .po file will get a review.

I'd have preferred,as well, that he submitted his translation here (or in
the tp list), both  to /share/ doubts, experiences..., and to have a
common style in the Italian translations.

Many thanks, Bea, for having pointed out that.



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