Ricordo che diverse persone erano interessate a tradurre qualcosa, ma
non sapevano con cosa iniziare a cimentarsi.
A chi interessa, ci sarebbe ora la refcard...

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an update regarding the Debian reference card:

Many thanks to Jens Seidel and Martin Zobel-Helas (de), Gunnar
Wolf (es), SZERVÁC Attila (hu), Hans F. Nordhaug (nb), Peter
Mann (sk), Martin Bagge (sv), Clythie Siddall (vi) for their
translations! (Did I forget someone?)

Work is needed for the other existing translations:

bg, ca, cs, da, el, eu, fi, fr, gl, he, it, ja, nl, pl, pt_BR,
pt_PT, ro, ru, tr, uk, zh_CN

For eu, fi and tr, there are translators, but maybe they could
need support. (Again, did I forget someone?) Contact me, if you
can help. Translations into other languages are welcome, too!

What to do first?

- Contact me before you start working on a translation. I will
  coordinate to prevent duplicated work.

How to submit?

- If you have write access to the Debian documentation projects
  SVN repository at:
  just commit, but please, run "make tidypo" before committing.
  ("make tidypo" normalises the layout of the po file.)

- You can also send me a patch (with SVN revision number) or the
  complete po file via mail.


- For having a translation in lenny, you need to hurry! But of
  course, the work on the refcard will not stop with the freeze
  next week.

Many thanks in advance!

 .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **  | Luca Bruno
: :'  :   The Universal O.S.    | lucab (AT) debian.org
`. `'`                          | GPG Key ID: 3BFB9FB3
  `-     http://www.debian.org  | Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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