On Tue, 11 Apr 2006 13:45:37 -0300
"Augusto Cezar Amaral" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 4/10/06, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> [...]
> >
> >         Estamos usando o inverso: estável ("stable").
> >
> >         Isto se repetiu no patch todo. Abraço,
> Pois é, de repente percebi que fica melhor assim... :P
> Segue o diff corrigido.
> Ainda quero discutir melhor essa questão da localização de
> stable/testing/unstable. Depois mando um RFC pra isso.

sugestões aceitas. O arquivo corrigido segue em anexo.

    Paro por aqui, Fred
#use wml::debian::cdimage title="Downloading Debian CD images with BitTorrent" BARETITLE=true
#use wml::debian::toc
#use wml::debian::installer
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/info"

<p><a href="http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/";>BitTorrent</a>
is a peer to peer download system optimised for large numbers of
downloaders. It puts minimal load on our servers because BitTorrent clients
upload pieces of files to others while downloading, thus spreading the load
across the network and making blazing fast downloads possible.

You will need a BitTorrent client to download Debian CDs this way. In the
Debian distribution, this is packaged in the
<a href="http://packages.debian.org/bittorrent";>bittorrent package</a>;
clients are also available for
<a href="http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/download.html";>other operating


# NOTE: <current-release-dirname> is defined in
# webwml/english/template/debian/cdimage.wml
	<li>Official torrents for the stable release on CD<br>
	<images-list url="http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/<current-release-dirname>/@ARCH@/bt-cd/" />
	<li>Official torrents for the stable release on DVD<br>
	<images-list url="http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/<current-release-dirname>/@ARCH@/bt-dvd/" arch="i386 powerpc" />

  <li>Torrents for the unofficial <a href="$(HOME)/ports/amd64/">AMD64</a>
  stable release:
  [<a href="http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/sarge-amd64/bt-cd/";>CD</a>]
  [<a href="http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/sarge-amd64/bt-dvd/";>DVD</a>]

  <li>Official weekly torrents for the "testing" distribution on CD<br>
  <images-list url="http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/@ARCH@/bt-cd/"; arch="<devel-images-arches/>"/>

  <li>Official weekly torrents for the "testing" distribution on DVD<br>
  <images-list url="http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/@ARCH@/bt-dvd/"; arch="<devel-images-arches/>"/>


If you can, please leave your client running after your download is complete,
to help others download images faster!

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