Ok, demorei a responder porque descobri que existe
uma função para chamar o exitscript. Então mudei as
linhas que tinha acrescentado ao arquivo src/monitor.c
para ficar de acordo de como as coisas são feitas no
programa como um todo.

 Com as correções sugeridas:

 Wmaker was crashing due a signal 11 casued by changes i had
made in src/switchmenu.c. This made me note one thing.

 The wmaker has two scripts (autostart and exitscript), 
located in '~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/' to launch 
and finish programs. When an 'signal 11' occur, the 
exitscript is not called. The wmaker is restarted and 
everything goes fine. But a program called desklaunch
that was started before called by autostart script, now
has two running processes.

 To solve this situation i added these lines in src/monitor.c

Herbert Parentes Fortes Neto (hpfn)
Linux user number 416100
Debian GNU/kFreeBSD (qemu)
FE1905B2 - ID

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