On Sun, 5 Feb 2017 18:17:28 +0100
Baptiste Jammet <bapti...@mailoo.org> wrote:

> Hello translators,

Hello Baptiste,

> We've enable mips64el in the release notes,
> translations included.
> I try to guess what could be the appropriate term for this arch, based
> on the others listed in language.ent, but I prefer that you check my
> copy/paste, and correct it if needed.

I've just saw your translation. It's fine.

Thank you very much for letting us know.


Marcelo Santana (aka msantana) <marc...@msantana.eng.br>
4096R/5B76053D: 8E9B 1014 4019 3526 C1C6  B0AC A3C0 DA1E 5B76 053D

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