He hecho una revisión del archivo que os envié con las traducciones ordenadas
por popularidad poniéndo el estado de las traducciones. Hay unas cuantas
traducciones que se han quedado en LCFC (o RFR2) en el robot y no se llegaron
a enviar al BTS, están marcadas como "enviar al BTS".

Si alguien pudiera dedicar un poco de tiempo a mirar éstas y enviarlas al BTS
se lo agradecería. Básicamente los pasos a dar son:

- coger la última versión que hay en el robot (llamémosla es.po)
- mirar si ya está en el BTS (no sea que se me haya pasado)
- coger la última plantilla disponible del paquete de
  (llamémosla plantilla_actual.pot)
- mirar si hubo comentarios posteriores al último correo (RFR2 y LCFC) que
  no estén incorporados. Si los hubiera, incorporarlos.
- hacer:
  $ msgmerge es.po plantilla_actual.pot >es.po.new
  Para ver si ha habido actualizaciones a las plantillas desde que se hizo la
  traducción y si la plantilla es correcta sintácticamente:
  $ msgfmt --stat -c -o /dev/null es.po.new
- revisar la plantilla ('mv es.po.new es.po' y editar con tu modo PO favorito)
- si ha habido actualizaciones, actualizar la plantilla (en este caso
  ponerse como "Last-Translator") porque si el traductor que hizo el
  ITT/RFR/LCFC no la ha enviado al BTS claramente no puede mantenerlas ahora
- enviarla al BTS
- enviar un correo aquí (para el robot) indicando el número de bug asignado.

Yo cuento, de la lista actualizada, 97 plantillas que podrían enviarse
rápidamente sin más que seguir esos pasos.

¿Alguien se anima?

Un saludo


Status of package translations sorted by popularity
Name                   Translation status      Popularity count
libwrap0                   0, (             )    16460  [tcp-wrappers         ]
 -- En BTS
libldap2                   0, (             )    15892  [openldap2            ]
 -- Enviador RFR
libkrb53                   0, (             )    15585  [krb5                 ]
 -- TODO
ucf                       90, (9t;1f;0u     )    14132  [                     ]
 -- PING?
tcpd                       0, (             )    13383  [tcp-wrappers         ]
 -- En BTS
udev                       0, (             )     9362  [udev                 ]
 -- LCFC
libslp1                    0, (             )     7720  [openslp              ]
 -- LCFC
ssl-cert                   0, (             )     6860  [ssl-cert             ]
 -- En BTS
libmysqlclient15off        0, (             )     5237  [mysql-dfsg-5.0       ]
 -- En BTS
mysql-common               0, (             )     4828  [mysql-dfsg-5.0       ]
 -- En BTS
mysql-client-5.0           0, (             )     4352  [mysql-dfsg-5.0       ]
 -- En BTS
postfix                   98, (75t;0f;1u    )     3697  [                     ]
 -- PING?
cvs                       33, (10t;17f;3u   )     3137  [                     ]
 -- PING?
mplayer                    0, (             )     2977  [mplayer              ]
 -- En BTS
foomatic-filters           0, (             )     2774  [foomatic-filters     ]
 -- En BTS
flex                       0, (             )     2703  [flex                 ]
 -- En BTS
setserial                  0, (             )     2595  [setserial            ]
 -- En BTS
mysql-server-5.0           0, (             )     2560  [mysql-dfsg-5.0       ]
 -- En BTS
postgresql-common          0, (             )     2373  [postgresql-common    ]
 -- En BTS
dash                      50, (1t;1f;0u     )     2138  [                     ]
 -- RFR
gpm                        0, (             )     1679  [gpm                  ]
 -- RFR
logcheck                   0, (             )     1675  [logcheck             ]
 -- RFR
icedove                    0, (             )     1505  [icedove              ]
 -- LCFC 
gnumeric                   0, (             )     1472  [gnumeric             ]
 -- En BTS
resolvconf                 0, (             )     1433  [resolvconf           ]
 -- RFR
mdadm                      0, (             )     1398  [mdadm                ]
 -- RFR
sun-java5-jre              0, (             )     1392  [sun-java5            ]
 -- RFR
sun-java5-bin              0, (             )     1385  [sun-java5            ]
 -- TODO
fdutils                    0, (             )     1368  [fdutils              ]
 -- BTS 
squid                     45, (10t;6f;6u    )     1320  [                     ]
 -- PING  
xprint                     0, (             )     1272  [xprint               ]
 -- ITT? 
ca-certificates           80, (8t;2f;0u     )     1266  [                     ]
 -- En BTS
mysql-client               0, (             )     1158  [mysql-dfsg-5.0       ]
 -- En BTS
auctex                    75, (12t;1f;3u    )     1044  [                     ]
 -- PING ? 
lilo                      29, (12t;3f;26u   )     1030  [                     ]
 -- PING ? 
foomatic-gui               0, (             )      972  [foomatic-gui         ]
 -- BTS
clamav                    75, (57t;18f;1u   )      938  [                     ]
 -- PING 
libkadm55                  0, (             )      938  [krb5                 ]
 -- ITT
libfltk1.1                 0, (             )      903  [fltk1.1              ]
openvpn                   50, (7t;7f;0u     )      868  [                     ]
 -- RFR? - enviar BTS
webalizer                 27, (3t;4f;4u     )      846  [                     ]
libkrb5-17-heimdal         0, (             )      823  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
quota                     75, (18t;4f;2u    )      811  [                     ]
snmpd                      0, (             )      799  [net-snmp             ]
libkrb5-dev                0, (             )      774  [krb5                 ]
libsnmp9                   0, (             )      773  [net-snmp             ]
ldap-utils                 0, (             )      726  [openldap2.3          ]
slapd                      0, (             )      721  [openldap2.3          ]
libgssapi4-heimdal         0, (             )      700  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
nis                        0, (             )      693  [nis                  ]
snmp                       0, (             )      689  [net-snmp             ]
dwww                      84, (16t;0f;3u    )      641  [                     ]
localization-config       50, (2t;2f;0u     )      615  [                     ]
  -- Actualizacion en BTS
libldap-2.3-0              0, (             )      606  [openldap2.3          ]
amavisd-new                0, (             )      601  [amavisd-new          ]
mysql-server               0, (             )      556  [mysql-dfsg-5.0       ]
 -- En BTS
rkhunter                   0, (             )      551  [rkhunter             ]
Status of package translations sorted by popularity
Name                   Translation status      Popularity count
lprng                      0, (             )      529  [lprng                ]
sa-exim                    0, (             )      525  [sa-exim              ]
vrms                       0, (             )      524  [vrms                 ]
uptimed                    0, (             )      519  [uptimed              ]
ddclient                  25, (7t;15f;5u    )      494  [                     ]
msttcorefonts             26, (4t;3f;8u     )      491  [                     ]
tmpreaper                  0, (             )      469  [tmpreaper            ]
ipsec-tools                0, (             )      468  [ipsec-tools          ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
atlas3-base                0, (             )      464  [atlas3               ]
ifplugd                   92, (13t;1f;0u    )      457  [                     ]
 -- PING?
libldap2-dev               0, (             )      450  [openldap2            ]
fvwm                       0, (             )      448  [fvwm                 ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
libwrap0-dev               0, (             )      393  [tcp-wrappers         ]
shorewall                  0, (             )      391  [shorewall            ]
  -- en BTS
libasn1-6-heimdal          0, (             )      390  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
uswsusp                    0, (             )      368  [uswsusp              ]
irqbalance                 0, (             )      366  [irqbalance           ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
jed                        0, (             )      365  [jed                  ]
snort                     98, (52t;0f;1u    )      365  [                     ]
sun-java5-jdk              0, (             )      360  [sun-java5            ]
sun-java5-demo             0, (             )      360  [sun-java5            ]
ntop                       0, (             )      336  [ntop                 ]
libroken16-heimdal         0, (             )      334  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
krb5-config                0, (             )      329  [kerberos-configs     ]
mldonkey-server            0, (             )      327  [mldonkey             ]
  -- ITT? 
debsecan                   0, (             )      304  [debsecan             ]
tvtime                     0, (             )      297  [tvtime               ]
  -- RFR - enviar BTS
apt-proxy                 87, (7t;1f;0u     )      296  [                     ]
boinc-client               0, (             )      280  [boinc                ]
netselect                  0, (             )      267  [netselect            ]
sash                       0, (             )      253  [sash                 ]
distcc                    58, (7t;1f;4u     )      243  [                     ]
wu-ftpd                    0, (             )      239  [wu-ftpd              ]
tripwire                   0, (             )      238  [tripwire             ]
console-setup              0, (             )      236  [console-setup        ]
sqlite                     0, (             )      225  [sqlite               ]
  -- RFR2 - enviar BTS
krb5-user                  0, (             )      221  [krb5                 ]
ipmasq                     0, (             )      203  [ipmasq               ]
 -- RFR - ping?
bootsplash                 0, (             )      199  [bootsplash           ]
mgetty                     0, (             )      195  [mgetty               ]
tpconfig                   0, (             )      190  [tpconfig             ]
zope-common                0, (             )      188  [zope-common          ]
openafs-client             0, (             )      180  [openafs              ]
hwtools                    0, (             )      178  [hwtools              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
htdig                     50, (2t;0f;2u     )      177  [                     ]
tpb                        0, (             )      173  [tpb                  ]
slpd                       0, (             )      170  [openslp              ]
 -- LCFC
libhtml-mason-perl         0, (             )      169  [libhtml-mason-perl   ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
portsentry                 0, (             )      168  [portsentry           ]
nullmailer                 0, (             )      167  [nullmailer           ]
ulogd                      0, (             )      167  [ulogd                ]
nut                        0, (             )      165  [nut                  ]
console-cyrillic          93, (81t;6f;0u    )      165  [                     ]
util-vserver               0, (             )      165  [util-vserver         ]
leafnode                   0, (             )      163  [leafnode             ]
watchdog                   0, (             )      157  [watchdog             ]
canna                     35, (5t;9f;0u     )      156  [                     ]
Status of package translations sorted by popularity
Name                   Translation status      Popularity count
flashplugin-nonfree        0, (             )      155  [flashplugin-nonfree  ]
mailgraph                  0, (             )      153  [mailgraph            ]
pure-ftpd                  0, (             )      152  [pure-ftpd            ]
libsnmp-perl               0, (             )      149  [net-snmp             ]
cyrus21-imapd             85, (6t;1f;0u     )      147  [                     ]
libmysqlclient15-dev       0, (             )      141  [mysql-dfsg-5.0       ]
hylafax-server             0, (             )      139  [hylafax              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
uucp                       0, (             )      137  [uucp                 ]
slay                       0, (             )      137  [slay                 ]
adjtimex                  80, (4t;1f;0u     )      137  [                     ]
amavis-stats              50, (3t;1f;2u     )      134  [                     ]
mailscanner                0, (             )      134  [mailscanner          ]
  -- RFR2 - enviar BTS
scponly                    0, (             )      133  [scponly              ]
playmidi                   0, (             )      131  [playmidi             ]
  -- RFR2 - enviar BTS
boinc-manager              0, (             )      131  [boinc                ]
irda-utils                 0, (             )      130  [irda-utils           ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
mailagent                  0, (             )      129  [mailagent            ]
openswan                   0, (             )      127  [openswan             ]
nas                        0, (             )      125  [nas                  ]
rssh                       0, (             )      124  [rssh                 ]
abook                      0, (             )      123  [abook                ]
libsnmp-base               0, (             )      122  [net-snmp             ]
gnump3d                    0, (             )      122  [gnump3d              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
am-utils                  44, (24t;18f;12u  )      116  [                     ]
  -- PING?
tgif                       0, (             )      116  [tgif                 ]
sl-modem-daemon            0, (             )      113  [sl-modem             ]
fwlogwatch                80, (16t;0f;4u    )      111  [                     ]
debian-edu-config          0, (             )      109  [debian-edu-config    ]
vdr                        0, (             )      108  [vdr                  ]
squidguard                 0, (             )      107  [squidguard           ]
hylafax-client             0, (             )      107  [hylafax              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
cpuburn                    0, (             )      104  [cpuburn              ]
ez-ipupdate                0, (             )      100  [ez-ipupdate          ]
wvdial                     0, (             )      100  [wvdial               ]
  -- RFR - enviar BTS
wifi-radar                 0, (             )       95  [wifi-radar           ]
mldonkey-gui               0, (             )       95  [mldonkey             ]
  -- ITT? 
f-prot-installer           0, (             )       94  [f-prot-installer     ]
openafs-krb5               0, (             )       93  [openafs              ]
cloop-utils                0, (             )       89  [cloop                ]
  -- RFR - enviar BTS
libhdb7-heimdal            0, (             )       89  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
noflushd                   0, (             )       88  [noflushd             ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
lire                       0, (             )       87  [lire                 ]
ckermit                    0, (             )       85  [ckermit              ]
libkadm5srv7-heimdal       0, (             )       85  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
libkafs0-heimdal           0, (             )       84  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
ntfs-3g                    0, (             )       84  [ntfs-3g              ]
libkadm5clnt4-heimdal      0, (             )       84  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
motion                     0, (             )       82  [motion               ]
  -- RFR - enviar BTS
scsiadd                    0, (             )       82  [scsiadd              ]
wwwoffle                  56, (21t;10f;6u   )       81  [                     ]
atftp                     96, (25t;1f;0u    )       81  [                     ]
  -- LCFC
krb5-clients               0, (             )       80  [krb5                 ]
heimdal-clients            0, (             )       79  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
greylistd                  0, (             )       79  [greylistd            ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
waproamd                   0, (             )       78  [waproamd             ]
pnm2ppa                    0, (             )       78  [pnm2ppa              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
smsclient                  0, (             )       75  [smsclient            ]
  -- RFR2 - enviar BTS
Status of package translations sorted by popularity
Name                   Translation status      Popularity count
mcelog                     0, (             )       74  [mcelog               ]
clamsmtp                   0, (             )       74  [clamsmtp             ]
viewcvs                    0, (             )       71  [viewcvs              ]
t-prot                     0, (             )       70  [t-prot               ]
bcm43xx-fwcutter           0, (             )       70  [bcm43xx-fwcutter     ]
gpsd                       0, (             )       68  [gpsd                 ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
perlindex                  0, (             )       67  [perlindex            ]
quake2-data                0, (             )       65  [quake2-data          ]
libfltk1.1-dev             0, (             )       65  [fltk1.1              ]
msmtp                      0, (             )       64  [msmtp                ]
fortunes-de                0, (             )       62  [fortunes-de          ]
hinfo                      0, (             )       62  [hinfo                ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
anthy                      0, (             )       60  [anthy                ]
whereami                   0, (             )       59  [whereami             ]
gidentd                    0, (             )       58  [gidentd              ]
muse                       0, (             )       58  [muse                 ]
slbackup                   0, (             )       58  [slbackup             ]
eagle                      0, (             )       55  [eagle                ]
pdbv                       0, (             )       55  [pdbv                 ]
mono-xsp-base              0, (             )       54  [xsp                  ]
atlas3-headers             0, (             )       53  [atlas3               ]
krb5-kdc                   0, (             )       53  [krb5                 ]
slimserver                 0, (             )       53  [slimserver           ]
isoqlog                    0, (             )       52  [isoqlog              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
lastfmsubmitd              0, (             )       50  [lastfmsubmitd        ]
gnubg                      0, (             )       49  [gnubg                ]
plan                       0, (             )       49  [plan                 ]
mpdscribble                0, (             )       48  [mpdscribble          ]
popa3d                     0, (             )       48  [popa3d               ]
krb5-admin-server          0, (             )       48  [krb5                 ]
gwhois                     0, (             )       47  [gwhois               ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
torrentflux                0, (             )       46  [torrentflux          ]
ipvsadm                    0, (             )       46  [ipvsadm              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
boa                       45, (5t;5f;1u     )       45  [                     ]
nbd-client                 0, (             )       44  [nbd                  ]
synce-serial               0, (             )       43  [synce-serial         ]
icecast-server             0, (             )       43  [icecast-server       ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
monotone                   0, (             )       43  [monotone             ]
icecc                      0, (             )       43  [icecc                ]
swish-e                    0, (             )       43  [swish-e              ]
linpopup                   0, (             )       42  [linpopup             ]
mono-xsp                   0, (             )       42  [xsp                  ]
webmin-ldap-user-simpl     0, (             )       40  [webmin-ldap-user-simp]
openafs-fileserver         0, (             )       39  [openafs              ]
freepops                   0, (             )       39  [freepops             ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
durep                      0, (             )       39  [durep                ]
spamprobe                  0, (             )       39  [spamprobe            ]
hearse                     0, (             )       39  [hearse               ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
mtink                      0, (             )       39  [mtink                ]
clamav-getfiles            0, (             )       38  [clamav-getfiles      ]
gallery2                   0, (             )       38  [gallery2             ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
jove                       0, (             )       38  [jove                 ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
gnunet                     0, (             )       38  [gnunet               ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
ircd-hybrid                0, (             )       37  [ircd-hybrid          ]
esmtp                      0, (             )       36  [esmtp                ]
twiki                      0, (             )       36  [twiki                ]
libslp-dev                 0, (             )       35  [openslp              ]
  -- LCFC
Status of package translations sorted by popularity
Name                   Translation status      Popularity count
quagga                     0, (             )       34  [quagga               ]
terminatorx                0, (             )       34  [terminatorx          ]
fwanalog                   0, (             )       33  [fwanalog             ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
cpu                       76, (10t;0f;3u    )       33  [                     ]
nvram-wakeup               0, (             )       33  [nvram-wakeup         ]
zabbix-agent               0, (             )       33  [zabbix               ]
nbd-server                 0, (             )       33  [nbd                  ]
hotway                     0, (             )       33  [hotway               ]
namazu2                    0, (             )       33  [namazu2              ]
wacom-tools                0, (             )       32  [wacom-tools          ]
wmnetmon                   0, (             )       32  [wmnetmon             ]
mono-xsp2-base             0, (             )       31  [xsp                  ]
trn4                       0, (             )       31  [trn4                 ]
libsnmp9-dev               0, (             )       30  [net-snmp             ]
libnss-ldap               12, (5t;0f;36u    )       30  [                     ]
gradm2                     0, (             )       30  [gradm2               ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
mtop                       0, (             )       30  [mtop                 ]
solid-pop3d                0, (             )       30  [solid-pop3d          ]
sing                      50, (2t;2f;0u     )       30  [                     ]
nsca                       0, (             )       29  [nsca                 ]
zabbix-server-mysql        0, (             )       29  [zabbix               ]
aptconf                    0, (             )       29  [aptconf              ]
mono-xsp2                  0, (             )       29  [xsp                  ]
spong-common               0, (             )       29  [spong                ]
tkmib                      0, (             )       28  [net-snmp             ]
tftp-hpa                   0, (             )       28  [tftp-hpa             ]
phalanx                    0, (             )       28  [phalanx              ]
ferm                       0, (             )       28  [ferm                 ]
seyon                      0, (             )       28  [seyon                ]
autolog                   66, (2t;1f;0u     )       28  [                     ]
ibam                       0, (             )       28  [ibam                 ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
libsl0-heimdal             0, (             )       27  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
libotp0-heimdal            0, (             )       27  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
atlas3-base-dev            0, (             )       26  [atlas3               ]
ipolish                    0, (             )       26  [ipolish              ]
teapop                     0, (             )       26  [teapop               ]
epos                       0, (             )       25  [epos                 ]
bandwidthd                 0, (             )       25  [bandwidthd           ]
fluid                      0, (             )       25  [fltk1.1              ]
isync                      0, (             )       24  [isync                ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
libiterm1                  0, (             )       24  [iterm                ]
mediawiki1.7               0, (             )       24  [mediawiki1.7         ]
  -- RFR? enviar BTS
pconsole                   0, (             )       23  [pconsole             ]
anon-proxy                57, (4t;3f;0u     )       23  [                     ]
lsh-utils                  0, (             )       23  [lsh-utils            ]
ocaml-tools                0, (             )       22  [ocaml-tools          ]
ltsp-server                0, (             )       22  [ltsp                 ]
slashem                    0, (             )       22  [slashem              ]
nttcp                      0, (             )       22  [nttcp                ]
nn                         0, (             )       22  [nn                   ]
bidentd                   40, (2t;3f;0u     )       22  [                     ]
planet                     0, (             )       21  [planet               ]
libapache-sessionx-per     0, (             )       21  [libapache-sessionx-pe]
crossvc                    0, (             )       21  [crossvc              ]
knews                     75, (3t;1f;0u     )       20  [                     ]
  -- PING?
tinc                       0, (             )       20  [tinc                 ]
logtool                    0, (             )       20  [logtool              ]
Status of package translations sorted by popularity
Name                   Translation status      Popularity count
metche                     0, (             )       20  [metche               ]
laptop-netconf             0, (             )       20  [laptop-netconf       ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
mono-apache-server         0, (             )       19  [xsp                  ]
netenv                     0, (             )       19  [netenv               ]
fiaif                      0, (             )       19  [fiaif                ]
libpam-ldap                0, (             )       19  [libpam-ldap          ]
spong-server               0, (             )       19  [spong                ]
slptool                    0, (             )       18  [openslp              ]
 -- LCFC
sympa                      0, (             )       17  [sympa                ]
proofgeneral               0, (             )       17  [proofgeneral         ]
fbiterm                    0, (             )       17  [iterm                ]
otrs2                      0, (             )       17  [otrs2                ]
sn                         0, (             )       17  [sn                   ]
 -- ITT?
plptools                   0, (             )       16  [plptools             ]
 -- ITT?
gcl                        0, (             )       16  [gcl                  ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
spong-client               0, (             )       16  [spong                ]
im                         0, (             )       16  [im                   ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
lurker                     0, (             )       16  [lurker               ]
mserv                      0, (             )       16  [mserv                ]
bottlerocket              50, (1t;1f;0u     )       16  [                     ]
mimedefang                 0, (             )       15  [mimedefang           ]
wflogs                     0, (             )       15  [wflogs               ]
conserver-client           0, (             )       15  [conserver            ]
smb2www                    0, (             )       14  [smb2www              ]
netmrg                     0, (             )       14  [netmrg               ]
mkvmlinuz                  0, (             )       14  [mkvmlinuz            ]
nvidia-cg-toolkit          0, (             )       14  [nvidia-cg-toolkit    ]
awffull                    0, (             )       14  [awffull              ]
diald                      0, (             )       14  [diald                ]
webfs                      0, (             )       14  [webfs                ]
tunapie                    0, (             )       13  [tunapie              ]
caudium                   69, (18t;6f;2u    )       13  [                     ]
krb5-rsh-server            0, (             )       13  [krb5                 ]
amavis-ng                  0, (             )       13  [amavis-ng            ]
 -- BTS
nap                        0, (             )       13  [nap                  ]
xvmount                    0, (             )       12  [xvmount              ]
fprobe                     0, (             )       12  [fprobe               ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
sitesummary                0, (             )       12  [sitesummary          ]
atlas3-sse2                0, (             )       11  [atlas3               ]
uif                        0, (             )       11  [uif                  ]
cyphesis-cpp              53, (8t;7f;0u     )       11  [                     ]
jazip                      0, (             )       11  [jazip                ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
dokuwiki                  19, (4t;8f;9u     )       11  [                     ]
oneliner-el                0, (             )       11  [oneliner-el          ]
atlas3-sse2-dev            0, (             )       11  [atlas3               ]
x10                        0, (             )       11  [x10                  ]
sugarplum                  0, (             )       11  [sugarplum            ]
 -- ITT?
zhcon                      0, (0t;2f;0u     )       11  [                     ]
heimdal-clients-x          0, (             )       11  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
powstatd                   0, (             )       11  [powstatd             ]
exult                      0, (             )       11  [exult                ]
libxiterm1                 0, (             )       11  [iterm                ]
xmail                      0, (             )       10  [xmail                ]
mono-apache-server2        0, (             )       10  [xsp                  ]
qpsmtpd                    0, (             )       10  [qpsmtpd              ]
lessdisks                  0, (             )       10  [lessdisks            ]
rancid-core                0, (             )       10  [rancid               ]
Status of package translations sorted by popularity
Name                   Translation status      Popularity count
roxen4                     0, (             )       10  [roxen4               ]
boinc-dev                  0, (             )       10  [boinc                ]
mlmmj                      0, (             )       10  [mlmmj                ]
  -- RFR - enviar BTS
xiterm                     0, (             )       10  [iterm                ]
krb5-telnetd               0, (             )        9  [krb5                 ]
openafs-dbserver           0, (             )        9  [openafs              ]
blootbot                  80, (8t;0f;2u     )        9  [                     ]
delo                       0, (             )        9  [delo                 ]
libopenafs-dev             0, (             )        9  [openafs              ]
traffic-vis                0, (             )        9  [traffic-vis          ]
wzdftpd                    0, (             )        9  [wzdftpd              ]
em8300                     0, (             )        9  [em8300               ]
mapserver-bin              0, (             )        8  [mapserver            ]
w3c-markup-validator       0, (             )        8  [w3c-markup-validator ]
moodle                     0, (             )        8  [moodle               ]
  -- ITT?
mason                      0, (             )        8  [mason                ]
krb4-config                0, (             )        8  [kerberos-configs     ]
heimdal-dev                0, (             )        8  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
oops                       0, (             )        7  [oops                 ]
kbedic                     0, (             )        7  [kbedic               ]
aolserver4                16, (2t;3f;7u     )        7  [                     ]
conserver-server           0, (             )        7  [conserver            ]
flashybrid                 0, (             )        7  [flashybrid           ]
asp.net-examples           0, (             )        6  [xsp                  ]
tenshi                     0, (             )        6  [tenshi               ]
spong-www                  0, (             )        6  [spong                ]
strongswan                 0, (             )        6  [strongswan           ]
heimdal-kcm                0, (             )        6  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
schoolbell                 0, (             )        6  [schoolbell           ]
chillispot                 0, (             )        5  [chillispot           ]
eagle-usb-utils            0, (             )        5  [eagle-usb            ]
eagle-usb-data             0, (             )        5  [eagle-usb            ]
dak                        0, (             )        5  [dak                  ]
faqomatic                  0, (             )        5  [faqomatic            ]
arno-iptables-firewall     0, (             )        5  [arno-iptables-firewal]
gradm                      0, (             )        5  [gradm                ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
debian-edu-install        78, (37t;0f;10u   )        4  [                     ]
asp.net2-examples          0, (             )        4  [xsp                  ]
openafs-kpasswd            0, (             )        4  [openafs              ]
dibbler-client             0, (             )        4  [dibbler              ]
fprobe-ulog                0, (             )        4  [fprobe-ulog          ]
mush                       0, (             )        4  [mush                 ]
interchange                0, (             )        4  [interchange          ]
steam                      0, (             )        4  [steam                ]
totd                       0, (             )        4  [totd                 ]
atlas3-sse                 0, (             )        4  [atlas3               ]
pdsh                       0, (             )        4  [pdsh                 ]
atlas3-sse-dev             0, (             )        4  [atlas3               ]
noffle                    50, (8t;5f;3u     )        3  [                     ]
openguides                 0, (             )        3  [openguides           ]
nufw                       0, (             )        3  [nufw                 ]
heimdal-kdc                0, (             )        3  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
newpki-server              0, (             )        3  [newpki-server        ]
ptex-jisfonts              0, (             )        3  [ptex-jisfonts        ]
krb5-ftpd                  0, (             )        3  [krb5                 ]
mediawiki1.5               0, (             )        3  [mediawiki1.5         ]
  -- RFR? enviar BTS
perl-mapscript             0, (             )        3  [mapserver            ]
Status of package translations sorted by popularity
Name                   Translation status      Popularity count
dbmail-mysql               0, (             )        3  [dbmail               ]
orville-write              0, (             )        3  [orville-write        ]
gnarwl                     0, (             )        3  [gnarwl               ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
post-faq                   0, (0t;1f;1u     )        3  [                     ]
lyskom-server              0, (             )        2  [lyskom-server        ]
libphp-adodb               0, (             )        2  [libphp-adodb         ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
mopd                       0, (             )        2  [mopd                 ]
linesrv                    0, (             )        2  [linesrv              ]
gnats                      0, (             )        2  [gnats                ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
sendpage                   0, (             )        2  [sendpage             ]
hesiod                     0, (             )        2  [hesiod               ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
libiterm-dev               0, (             )        2  [iterm                ]
pileup                     0, (             )        2  [pileup               ]
wmx10                      0, (             )        2  [wmx10                ]
ldm                        0, (             )        2  [ltsp                 ]
pdns                       0, (             )        1  [pdns                 ]
vpopmail                   0, (             )        1  [vpopmail             ]
ltsp-client                0, (             )        1  [ltsp                 ]
z88dk                      0, (             )        1  [z88dk                ]
python-poker-network       0, (             )        1  [poker-network        ]
 -- RFR2 - enviar BTS
penggy                     0, (             )        1  [penggy               ]
simba                      0, (             )        1  [simba                ]
isdnutils                  0, (             )        1  [isdnutils            ]
nws                        0, (             )        1  [nws                  ]
dibbler-server             0, (             )        1  [dibbler              ]
pcd2html                   0, (             )        1  [pcd2html             ]
arb                        0, (             )        1  [arb                  ]
wims                       0, (             )        1  [wims                 ]
libxiterm-dev              0, (             )        1  [iterm                ]
wipl-daemon                0, (             )        1  [wipl                 ]
cgi-mapserver              0, (             )        1  [mapserver            ]
python-poker2d             0, (             )        1  [poker-network        ]
wipl-client-standard       0, (             )        1  [wipl                 ]
dibbler-relay              0, (             )        1  [dibbler              ]
schooltool                 0, (             )        1  [schooltool           ]
dbmail-pgsql               0, (             )        1  [dbmail               ]
prc-tools                  0, (             )        1  [prc-tools            ]
fltk1.1-doc                0, (             )        1  [fltk1.1              ]
pmk                        0, (             )        1  [pmk                  ]
 -- ITT?
wide-dhcpv6-client         0, (             )        1  [wide-dhcpv6          ]
efingerd                   0, (             )        1  [efingerd             ]
gclcvs                     0, (             )        1  [gclcvs               ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
libfltk1.1-dbg             0, (             )        1  [fltk1.1              ]
snoopy                     0, (             )        0  [snoopy               ]
  -- RFR2 - enviar BTS
axyl-lucene                0, (             )        0  [axyl-lucene          ]
fonty                     81, (13t;3f;0u    )        0  [                     ]
initrd-netboot-tools       0, (             )        0  [initrd-netboot       ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
cltl                       0, (             )        0  [cltl                 ]
openafs-modules-source     0, (             )        0  [openafs              ]
zope-docfindereverywhe     0, (             )        0  [zope-docfindereverywh]
python-mapscript           0, (             )        0  [mapserver            ]
php5-mapscript             0, (             )        0  [mapserver            ]
gallery                    0, (             )        0  [gallery              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
eagle-usb-modules-sour     0, (             )        0  [eagle-usb            ]
libkrb5-dbg                0, (             )        0  [krb5                 ]
php5-memcache              0, (             )        0  [php-memcache         ]
opendb                     0, (             )        0  [opendb               ]
  -- ITT?
Status of package translations sorted by popularity
Name                   Translation status      Popularity count
laptop-net                 0, (             )        0  [laptop-net           ]
fortunes-fr                0, (             )        0  [fortunes-fr          ]
mapserver-doc              0, (             )        0  [mapserver            ]
sun-java5-plugin           0, (             )        0  [sun-java5            ]
karrigell                  0, (             )        0  [karrigell            ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
bootsplash-theme-debia     0, (             )        0  [bootsplash-theme-debi]
gnumed-client              0, (             )        0  [gnumed-client        ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
libxapian-ruby1.8          0, (             )        0  [xapian-bindings      ]
rancid-installer           0, (             )        0  [rancid               ]
atlas3-3dnow               0, (             )        0  [atlas3               ]
libapache-mod-text2htm     0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-text2ht]
php4-json                  0, (             )        0  [php-json-ext         ]
libpam-openafs-kaserve     0, (             )        0  [openafs              ]
php5-clamavlib             0, (             )        0  [php-clamavlib        ]
rancid-cgi                 0, (             )        0  [rancid               ]
ltsp-server-standalone     0, (             )        0  [ltsp                 ]
mozilla                   66, (6t;0f;3u     )        0  [                     ]
php4-rrdtool               0, (             )        0  [php4-rrdtool         ]
openafs-dbg                0, (             )        0  [openafs              ]
ifhp                       0, (             )        0  [ifhp                 ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
libapache-mod-auth-use     0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-auth-us]
x-ttcidfont-conf           0, (             )        0  [x-ttcidfont-conf     ]
atlas3-3dnow-dev           0, (             )        0  [atlas3               ]
twig                      50, (1t;1f;0u     )        0  [                     ]
libapache-mod-backhand     0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-backhan]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
atokx2                     0, (             )        0  [atokx2               ]
wide-dhcpv6-server         0, (             )        0  [wide-dhcpv6          ]
jsmath                     0, (             )        0  [jsmath               ]
mailcrypt                 71, (5t;2f;0u     )        0  [                     ]
hylafax-doc                0, (             )        0  [hylafax              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
wide-dhcpv6-relay          0, (             )        0  [wide-dhcpv6          ]
php4-xapian                0, (             )        0  [xapian-bindings      ]
tclxapian                  0, (             )        0  [xapian-bindings      ]
glpi                       0, (             )        0  [glpi                 ]
radioclk                   0, (             )        0  [radioclk             ]
atokx                     71, (15t;3f;3u    )        0  [                     ]
b2evolution                0, (             )        0  [b2evolution          ]
libapache-mod-trigger      0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-trigger]
sdic                       0, (             )        0  [sdic                 ]
libapache-mod-relocate     0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-relocat]
rancid-util                0, (             )        0  [rancid               ]
mantis                     0, (             )        0  [mantis               ]
kernel-image-netbootab     0, (             )        0  [initrd-netboot       ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
ttf-arphic-ukai            0, (             )        0  [ttf-arphic-ukai      ]
libphidgets-dev            0, (             )        0  [libphidgets          ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
websvn                     0, (             )        0  [websvn               ]
dibbler-doc                0, (             )        0  [dibbler              ]
hunglish                   0, (             )        0  [hunglish             ]
irm                        0, (             )        0  [irm                  ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
phpqladmin                 0, (             )        0  [phpqladmin           ]
harden                     0, (             )        0  [harden               ]
lsb                        0, (             )        0  [lsb                  ]
vdr-plugin-remote          0, (             )        0  [vdr-plugin-remote    ]
shfs                       0, (             )        0  [shfs                 ]
mediamate                  0, (             )        0  [mediamate            ]
openafs-doc                0, (             )        0  [openafs              ]
bbclone                   75, (3t;1f;0u     )        0  [                     ]
Status of package translations sorted by popularity
Name                   Translation status      Popularity count
zope-quotafolder           0, (             )        0  [zope-quotafolder     ]
python-phidgets            0, (             )        0  [libphidgets          ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
gforge                     0, (             )        0  [gforge               ]
sl-modem-source            0, (             )        0  [sl-modem             ]
libroxen-imho             20, (1t;2f;2u     )        0  [                     ]
jspwiki                    0, (             )        0  [jspwiki              ]
heimdal-docs               0, (             )        0  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
php5-xapian                0, (             )        0  [xapian-bindings      ]
python-xapian              0, (             )        0  [xapian-bindings      ]
vdr-plugin-bitstreamou     0, (             )        0  [vdr-plugin-bitstreamo]
phpbb2                     0, (             )        0  [phpbb2               ]
libgcr410                  0, (             )        0  [libgcr410            ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
cloop-src                  0, (             )        0  [cloop                ]
  -- RFR - enviar BTS
clamav-data                0, (             )        0  [clamav-data          ]
libapache-mod-index-rs     0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-index-r]
libapache-mod-mp3          0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-mp3    ]
cmap-adobe-gb1            66, (2t;1f;0u     )        0  [                     ]
libapache-mod-mono         0, (             )        0  [mod-mono             ]
libapache2-mod-python      0, (             )        0  [libapache2-mod-python]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
phpwiki                   45, (9t;4f;7u     )        0  [                     ]
  -- RFR2 - enviar BTS
phpsysinfo                 0, (             )        0  [phpsysinfo           ]
myphpmoney                 0, (             )        0  [myphpmoney           ]
drupal                    75, (25t;8f;0u    )        0  [                     ]
  -- PING?
libapache-mod-reposito     0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-reposit]
poker-web                  0, (             )        0  [poker-network        ]
phpldapadmin               0, (             )        0  [phpldapadmin         ]
libapache2-mod-mono        0, (             )        0  [mod-mono             ]
initz                      0, (             )        0  [initz                ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
zope-zwiki                 0, (             )        0  [zope-zwiki           ]
mhc                        0, (             )        0  [mhc                  ]
ilohamail                  0, (             )        0  [ilohamail            ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
libapache-mod-ldap         0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-ldap   ]
sun-java5-source           0, (             )        0  [sun-java5            ]
phppgadmin                57, (4t;3f;0u     )        0  [                     ]
atlas3-test                0, (             )        0  [atlas3               ]
ldap-account-manager       0, (             )        0  [ldap-account-manager ]
  -- RFR - enviar BTS
libapache-mod-filter       0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-filter ]
diogenes                  92, (26t;1f;1u    )        0  [                     ]
sitebar                    0, (             )        0  [sitebar              ]
  -- ITT?
sun-java5-fonts            0, (             )        0  [sun-java5            ]
zabbix-frontend-php        0, (             )        0  [zabbix               ]
myodbc                    33, (1t;1f;1u     )        0  [                     ]
webcalendar                0, (             )        0  [webcalendar          ]
  -- RFR2 - enviar BTS
heimdal-servers-x          0, (             )        0  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
atlas3-doc                 0, (             )        0  [atlas3               ]
nethack                    0, (             )        0  [nethack              ]
php4-memcache              0, (             )        0  [php-memcache         ]
libapache-mod-random       0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-random ]
sbox-dtc                   0, (             )        0  [sbox-dtc             ]
wipl-client-inetd          0, (             )        0  [wipl                 ]
ntlmaps                    0, (             )        0  [ntlmaps              ]
heimdal-servers            0, (             )        0  [heimdal              ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
cmap-adobe-japan1          0, (0t;2f;1u     )        0  [                     ]
tutos2                    87, (21t;1f;2u    )        0  [                     ]
shaper                    33, (1t;2f;0u     )        0  [                     ]
libapache-mod-cgi-debu     0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-cgi-deb]
krb5-doc                   0, (             )        0  [krb5                 ]
Status of package translations sorted by popularity
Name                   Translation status      Popularity count
jffnms                     0, (             )        0  [jffnms               ]
nagat                      0, (             )        0  [nagat                ]
php5-json                  0, (             )        0  [php-json-ext         ]
preview-latex              0, (             )        0  [preview-latex        ]
  -- RFR - enviar BTS
lvm2                       0, (             )        0  [lvm2                 ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
wipl-client-exec           0, (             )        0  [wipl                 ]
libapache2-mod-cband       0, (             )        0  [mod-cband            ]
php4-clamavlib             0, (             )        0  [php-clamavlib        ]
jwchat                     0, (             )        0  [jwchat               ]
libphidgets0               0, (             )        0  [libphidgets          ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
ilisp                      0, (             )        0  [ilisp                ]
libpam-radius-auth         0, (             )        0  [libpam-radius-auth   ]
flyspray                   0, (             )        0  [flyspray             ]
openslp-doc                0, (             )        0  [openslp              ]
 -- LCFC
libapache-mod-acct-mys     0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-acct   ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
ttf-arphic-uming           0, (             )        0  [ttf-arphic-uming     ]
hyperspec                  0, (             )        0  [hyperspec            ]
axyl                       0, (             )        0  [axyl                 ]
php4-mapscript             0, (             )        0  [mapserver            ]
sun-java5-doc              0, (             )        0  [sun-java5            ]
mailreader                 0, (             )        0  [mailreader           ]
xfonts-terminus            0, (             )        0  [xfonts-terminus      ]
  -- RFR - enviar BTS
libapache-mod-acct-pgs     0, (             )        0  [libapache-mod-acct   ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
timezoneconf               0, (             )        0  [timezoneconf         ]
  -- LCFC - enviar BTS
zope-exuserfolder          0, (             )        0  [zope-exuserfolder    ]
sysv-rc-bootsplash         0, (             )        0  [sysv-rc-bootsplash   ]
egroupware                 0, (             )        0  [egroupware           ]
phpgroupware               0, (             )        0  [phpgroupware         ]
kernel-patch-grsecurit     0, (             )        0  [kernel-patch-grsecuri]
lyskom-elisp-client        0, (             )        0  [lyskom-elisp-client  ]
wipl-client-java           0, (             )        0  [wipl                 ]
xfonts-wqy                 0, (             )        0  [xfonts-wqy           ]
chdrv                      0, (             )        0  [chdrv                ]
bacula                    40, (2t;1f;2u     )        0  [                     ]
gtk2-engines-spherecry     0, (             )        0  [spheres-and-crystals ]
  -- RFR2 - enviar BTS

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