A note for the ThinkPad users here:

A ThinkPad survey has been running for a while now and has the interest of 
Lenovo.  Please fill out a survey if you are interested in the future of 
Lenovo's ThinkPad line.

Following is a forwarded message about the survey that I received recently 
including note of Lenovo's interest, a link for the survey, and a link for the 

Note when replying that I am not subscribed to the debian-laptop mailing list.

----- Forwarded message from Frank Myhr <fm...@fhmtech.com> -----
> List-Id: This list for users of Linux on IBM Thinkpads. 
> <linux-thinkpad.linux-thinkpad.org>
> From: Frank Myhr <fm...@fhmtech.com>
> Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 16:42:54 -0400
> Subject: Re: [ltp] Survey: Your Ideal Business-Class Laptop
> To: linux-think...@linux-thinkpad.org
> Survey link:
> http://www.kwiksurveys.com/online-survey.php?surveyID=IONKF_a68057ef
> Hi,
> I promised I wouldn't trouble you again about the survey until we'd
> heard back from Lenovo. Well... we have! Lenovo marketing and product
> managers have looked at the results so far... and want to see more!
> As of this morning, 444 surveys have been returned, due in large part to
> members of this list. THANK YOU!
> Lenovo would like to see 500 surveys before analyzing the results in
> detail and moving on to the next phase. We are so close! If you haven't
> yet filled out a survey, PLEASE take few minutes now to fill one out.
> This is an excellent chance to add your voice to those requesting better
> screens, and other features, in future ThinkPads. Please also share the
> survey URL with your colleagues and friends who use ThinkPads or other
> business-class or workstation-class laptops, like Dell Latitudes,
> Precisions, etc.
> For those who have already filled out a survey, THANK YOU!!! Your time
> and thoughtful comments are MUCH appreciated, and should help Lenovo to
> produce ThinkPads that we want to buy.
> Thanks again!
> Frank
> -----
> About the survey:
> It is being conducted by a group of ThinkPad enthusiasts, as the first
> step of a plan to try to convince Lenovo to build us a ThinkPad with a
> better screen. (Better in the sense of wider viewing angles, more
> accurate color, and possibly higher resolution.) But please fill out a
> survey even if you're satisfied with current screens: it's an
> opportunity to tell Lenovo what other features are important to you.
> Survey results are kept here:
> http://forums.lenovo.com/lnv/board/message?board.id=Special_Interest_General&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=4912#M4912
> -- 
> The linux-thinkpad mailing list home page is at:
> http://mailman.linux-thinkpad.org/mailman/listinfo/linux-thinkpad
----- End forwarded message -----

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