Thanks Bob,

I think this can be marked "SOLVED" (I find searching for that word alongside 
problems increasingly useful!)

I can vouch for that fixing both the screen resolution and the suspend problem. 

Not sure the syntax in your 2nd apt-get line is correct but I've forgotten what 
I had to tweak now.

Many thanks to Bob and all who helped: hugely appreciated.


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bob Proulx" <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, 28 January, 2013 11:27:52 PM
> Subject: Re: Installing Debian (currently squeeze) on Toshiba Satellite 
> L750-170
> Chris Evans wrote:
> > > Marek Straka wrote:
> > > Install debian - wheezy. It is nearly stable. You have quite new
> > > hardware in your notebook.
> > 
> > Yes, I wondered if that was the way to go.  Am I right in thinking
> > that there's a wheezy live install option?  I'm sure that if there
> > is, that should be a good next step.
> Since you already have Squeeze 6 installed I wouldn't be completely
> hasty about re-installing.  Because the Wheezy installation process
> is
> still not ready for prime time.  Instead I would add backports to the
> sources.list file and install the backported kernel as a first step.
> Because you undoubtedly need a newer kernel to match your newer
> hardware.  Because your graphics problems are that it doesn't know
> about your newer hardware and so has fallen back to the vesa driver.
>   deb squeeze-backports
>   contrib non-free
> Then:
>   # apt-get update
>   # apt-get install -t squeeze-backports install
>   firmware-linux-nonfree firmware-linux-free
>   linux-image-3.2.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae
> Replace "686-pae" with the appropriate kernel matching what you have
> already installed on your machine.  Likely candidates are "686-pae"
> and "amd64".
> Then reboot and see if your X driver is improved.  Hopefully that
> will
> fix it.  But I think it actually about 50/50 that it won't.  See the
> Bug#687442 for a trail of problems with the 3.2 Wheezy kernel due to
> removed support for various hardware.  But also included is a
> solution
> using a proposed kernel with forward/backward ported support for much
> of the hardware.
> Hopefully that proposed test kernel will resolve your hardware
> support
> issues.  If not then I suggest repeating the above one last time
> using
> the experimental linux-image-3.7-trunk-$ARCH kernel.
> I would avoid the work of the full re-install, it isn't needed, and
> try the newer kernels out in isolation first.  If any of those work
> then you are good to go.
> Bob


Chris Evans <> Skype: chris-psyctc
Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, Notts. PDD network;
Professor, Psychotherapy, Nottingham University
*If I am writing from one of those roles, it will be clear. Otherwise*
*my views are my own and not representative of those institutions    *
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