On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 05:43:58PM +0000, Matthew Garrett wrote:
> Andrew Suffield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > That example was carefully selected. You don't *get* another chance to
> > take a picture of a lightning bolt. They only last a second or two,
> > and every one is unique. That photo is the only one that will ever
> > exist. (jpeg-compressed is no good when a non-lossy format is
> > available, though).
> My camera saves a JPEG of a lightning bolt. I distribute that in the
> belief that it's the only version of the picture in existence, and
> nobody argues over whether it's source code. Later on, I find that I'd
> accidently left my camera in the mode where it saves raw files as well.
> I add that to the next upload of the package containing the picture.
> Are older versions of the package now non-free?

Strictly yes, being mistaken is not an excuse. Just like if you
discover that old versions of the package contained i386 binaries
without source, the old versions are non-free. Also note that in both
cases, they were *always* non-free (I really shouldn't have to explain
this). The status has not changed, it's just that we weren't aware of
it before.

We probably wouldn't *worry* about this however, as the archive now
contains source to the relevant file, so it's neither a legal nor an
ethical issue. (It may be a technical issue that 'apt-get source'
won't give you the right thing in the last stable release, but that's
somebody else's problem).

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
 : :' :  http://www.debian.org/ |
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