On Sat, 02 Apr 2005 04:55:58 -0500 Anthony DeRobertis wrote:

> Please post license texts to -legal, not just URLs. This makes them 
> easier to comment on and preserves the relevant information in our
> list  archive.
> I grabbed the following from http://www.bittorrent.com/license/ on
> April  2, 2005 @ 0455 EST.
> BitTorrent Open Source License
> Version 1.0

A wdiff shows that this is exactly the same license we analyzed last
month: see


and the discussion that followed.

    :-(   This Universe is buggy! Where's the Creator's BTS?   ;-)
  Francesco Poli                             GnuPG Key ID = DD6DFCF4
 Key fingerprint = C979 F34B 27CE 5CD8 DC12  31B5 78F4 279B DD6D FCF4

Attachment: pgpzTVXiyrgcv.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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