On 5/15/05, Matthijs Kooijman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am making Debian packages of openttd and am thinking of getting them
> uploaded into Debian. Though it is licensed under GPL, I was wondering in what
> section it belongs.
> There are two reasons for this.
> First, openttd is non-working on itself, it needs the user to supply it with
> data files from the original ttd game (sounds and graphics).
> Secondly, I am not entirely sure where openttd originated from. I believe it
> was based on a disassembly or decompile of the original ttd game. I am not
> entirely sure how this holds up under, for example, US copyright law. The
> initial version of openttd was created in Finland, where this is supposed to
> be perfectly legal.

The requirement for content from the original game means that it
should probably go in contrib.

I wouldn't worry too much about the inspirations and motivations behind
the implementation.  In general, the gaming industry rather routinely
borrows concepts and techniques from each other.  From their point
of view, this is probably a legitimate implementation.  Of course, if you
have any serious doubts about that you can contact the original 
game's publisher and ask them.  Since, at least currently, you have 
to have a legal copy of the game to play openttd legally, they're not
likely to object.

Also, unless openttd includes design features which are clearly unique
content, the original publishers probably won't have any legal grounds 
to object.  [But you're not really described the situation enough to know
if that could be an issue.]

I wouldn't worry too much about the intent of the programs' requirement 
for game content constituting a GPL violation.  From what you say, it's 
pretty clear that the copyright holders on the GPL content intend for 
it to be used this way -- they appear to think that the game content
is not a part of the program.  However, if you have any serious doubts,
you should cntact the authors of openttdc and get clarification from

In other words, the core of openttd has roughly the same 
status as documentation on the inner workings of the 
original game.  But it's clearly been fleshed out quite a bit from 
that, with the intent of actually running against the original 
game data.  So it's probably correct to put the game in 

But I'm just going from your brief writeup here, I've not attempted
to figure out if there are any serious creative content issues that
you've not described.  If you have any doubts about those,
I'd recommend you contact the people who would have copyrights
on that content.

Good luck,


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