On Thu, Apr 01, 1999 at 05:33:54PM -0500, Chip Salzenberg wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Has it occurred to anyone that the GPL isn't DFSG free? :> Not programs
> > licensed under it, but the license itself, which cannot be modified or
> > altered? :>
> Of course the license can be altered.  It's not a creative work, it's
> a license, and license text is not protected by copyright.  Maybe the
> GPL doesn't like being altered, but it can't stop the alteration.

Well, I talked with RMS about this some time ago, and he was mainly
concerned about the framework of the GPL (preambel etc), so you don't make
derivatives that LOOK like the GPl but are differently in a minor or major

He pointed out that you can always take the legalese of the GPL to create
your own license. No need to say that he pointed out that you should not do
that :)


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