Montreal Fri May 28 08:23:17 1999

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Please don't be dissuaded by politicians or their harassment.
> > Apparently the authors think it's okay, so if you want to do it, just
> > go right ahead.  You might want to establish a dialog with the
> > AbiSource folks as the above quote from their website suggests.  Who
> > knows they might even pay you.
> Please don't assume what people claim is political agenda is in fact
> political.  Qt is nicely free now, I'm quite proud of the license (I
> should be, considering it's my license)  Doesn't mean the GPL likes it.  

Well, did you see the way this whole thread started?  Some dweeb with
a Debian email address forwarded private email from a private
conversation to the list with a note like "This one is good for a
laugh."  It's also become clear that he didn't even have all the facts
of the matter.

Btw, I think Debian should have very little say in the matter seeing
that they don't even distribute kdelibs/kdebase making the whole
matter of kabiword rather moot for them.

Sorry if I offended anyone.

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