
I'm afraid your source is incorrect, we have not threatened to sue the FSF
for distributing modified copies of IMAPD. Now, let's move on to a more
productive topic regarding the Debian distribution of UW's IMAPD.

UW's intent has always been to allow others to modify the UW IMAPD for
their own needs, or to redistribute the original version, without having
to ask for permission.  We do expect and appreciate folks to ask before
re-distributing derivative works, but obtaining permission is not
onerous. Many have asked and they've all received permission. We are
happy and willing to work with Debian so that Debian may continue to
distribute UW's IMAPD.

First of all, by this message you have our permission to distribute a
modified version of IMAPD.

We confirm that we have given you permission to distribute a modified
version of IMAPD on the condition that you assume all risks when you do
so and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the University of
Washington from any and all claims or damages that might arise through
your activity related to a modified IMAPD.

In order to reduce confusion and facilitate debugging, we request that
locally modified versions, including those which are distributed, either
be denoted by appending a letter to the current version number or that you
in some way show that it is a derivative work in the version number.

Thanks for your interest in continuing to distribute UW's IMAPD in the
Debian distribution.

Lori Stevens

On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Raul Miller wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been told that you, or someone working with you, has threatened to
> sue the FSF (Free Software Foundation) for distributing modified copies
> of IMAPD.  I believe the IMAPD copyright contains the following text:
> # Date:         7 December 1989
> # Last Edited:  9 January 1998
> #
> # Copyright 1998 by the University of Washington
> #
> #  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
> # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
> # that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both the
> # above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
> # documentation, and that the name of the University of Washington not be
> # used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
> # without specific, written prior permission.  ...
> I have several questions about this:
> [1] Is this true?  (the threatened legal action)
> [1a] If the legal threats did not occur, could you set me straight on
>      what you know about whatever happened or didn't happen?
> [2] If the legal threats occurred, was the FSF distributing the IMAPD
>     software covered by by this 1998 copyright license?
> [3] If this 1998 IMAPD is what the FSF was distributing, what clause
>      of this copyright license is being violated?
> [3a] If this 1998 IMAPD is not what the FSF was distributing, what
>      were they distributing?
> [I'm writing on behalf of Debian, and we're trying to decide if we should
> pull Mark Crispin's IMAPD out of our distribution.]
> Thanks,
> --
> Raul

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