On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 10:58:37AM -0700, Don Marti wrote:
> begin Joey Hess quotation of Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 10:15:38AM -0700:
> > Hmm. I guess that means that a copy of the source code should be made
> > available from the same web server, to satisfy the GPL. Weird, but
> > doable. I don't think it need be part of the same jar archive; providing
> > a link should do. Is this sane?
> <ianal>Yes, it's sane, and no it doesn't have to be part of the same
> archive. Server operators could also fulfil their GPL obligation by
> offering source on CD-ROM via postal mail, which is a little less
> sane.</ianal>

I'm actually using mindterm in my final project in web design
class. I'll be offering a link to the source version I happen to have.

Ultimately, it is the page author's responsibility to provide a link to
source, not the server operator's. One way could be to place the
mindterm jar into a world-readable location, then have a mindterm-src
deb which places the source tarball/zip (or both; but I'd reccomend
keeping the source in a zip file) in the same location.

-- Ferret

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