On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 11:33:46AM +0100, Sergio Brandano wrote:
>   A friend of yours has mentioned that Debian charges 1000$ for each
>   SPAM mail. Assuming this is correct and that no other prices are
>   given, this may easily imply that this is indeed Debian's own
>   cost/value per mail. A certain commercial site is now listing about
>   450 regular mail of mine, which overall value is then of about 0.5
>   Million Dollars. 

Just because the city charges you $50 each time you litter on the
streets, doesn't mean your litter is worth $50. 

>   However, there are "friends" out there who are not yet aware of their
>   wealth, and are not as friendly as I am. A single broadcast message
>   would be sufficient for one of them to have a few megabytes of
>   lawyers' replies to it, each of them being very willing to take any
>   risk and go all the way to sue Debian. 

For what? Judges are human, too, and if you bring a petty and stupid
matter into court, you'll just tick them off. I seriously doubt you
could get anywhere near lawyer's fees back for email, which is basically
valueless. You aren't Salinger and you already agreed to distribute it
to an arbitrarily large number of unknown people.

>   Certain software companies would be
>   very sympathetic on the matter, and would provide all the additional
>   legal support, perhaps also for free. 

Ooh, invoke the Microsoft card! Microsoft really wants to take a 
pointless antitrust action at this point and really want to drag
their name through the mud again, to possibly take out a very
minor competitor. 

I think these messages have gotten beyond the point of productivity,
and this should be my last one.

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pointless website: http://dvdeug.dhis.org
"I don't care if Bill personally has my name and reads my email and 
laughs at me. In fact, I'd be rather honored." - Joseph_Greg

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