>> Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > 1) A copyright holder is permitted to (withhold permission to modify or
 > remove) (copyright notices) upon a work, or parts of a work, under

 Parentheses indicate the way I'm parsing this.  Am I wrong?  This
 concerns to "copyright notices", right?

 > 2) A copyright holder is permitted to (withhold permission to modify or
 > remove) (license texts) which apply to a work, or to a substantively

 and "license texts".

 > 3) Works licensed under the GNU FDL meet the DFSG if:
 >    A) there are no Invariant Sections[*]; or

 > [*] Cover Texts are not affected

 from the two statements above, I don't see how 3.A) follows.  In
 particular, AFAIUI, I can declare the documentation for a protocol as
 invariant.  That isn't covered by neither 1) nor 2) but yet it's not
 being allowed by 3.A).  What am I reading wrong?

Marcelo             | Voodoo is a very interesting religion for the whole
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | family, even those members of it who are dead.
                    |         -- (Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens)

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