On Thu, 2002-10-03 at 17:04, Andreas Metzler wrote:

> |-----------------------------
> | This software is under GPL with the following limitations:
> | 
> | 
> | -       You may not modify certain copyright messages in cdrecord.c
> | 
> |         See cdrecord.c for further information.

hmmm? cdrecord.c is under the plain GPL; see the top of the file...

> | 
> | 
> | -       You may (with a few exceptions) not modify the location of the
> |         configuration file /etc/default/cdrecord.
> | 
> |         See defaults.c for further information.

defaults.c is also under the plain GPL. There is a comment block about

 * WARNING you are only allowed to change this filename if you also
 * change the documentation and add a statement that makes clear
 * where the official location of the file is why you did choose a
 * nonstandard location and that the nonstandard location only refers
 * to inofficial cdrecord versions.
 * I was forced to add this because some people change cdrecord without
 * rational reason and then publish the result. As those people
 * don't contribute work and don't give support, they are causing extra
 * work for me and this way slow down the cdrecord development.

Considering the file is under the GPL, this doesn't make any sense

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