On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 08:08:57PM -0600, John Goerzen wrote:
> > A program in the middle of a pipeline never directly accepts input from
> > the user, nor does it output direcly to the user.  
> Therefore it is not interactive.
> Bingo.
> PHPNuks is just that program.  Its pipeline looks like:
> web browser -> client network layer -> server network layer -> apache
>  -> mod_php4 -> phpnuke -> apache -> server network layer ->
>  client network layer -> web browser

I was avoiding this argument.  After all, "gdb" goes, for me, gdb -> tty ->
screen -> tty -> sshd -> network layers -> putty.  Everything goes through
layers.  I don't think this line of reasoning is useful.

Glenn Maynard

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