Anthony Towns <> writes:

> On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 12:15:13PM -0800, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
> > Anthony Towns <> writes:
> > > Consider Frank the lawyer who takes some nice source code from a GPLed
> > > project, and adds some code his friend was telling him under NDA. He
> > > puts it up on the web, and suddenly gets demands for source code from
> > > the original author. What does he do, violate the NDA, or the copyright
> > > license??? What does he do?!?
> > The GPL doesn't have such a rule.  
> He puts the program up on the web. As in
> People then download it. They then demand the source.

Why does he put it on the web?  *THAT* was already violating the NDA.  

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