On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 13:26, Simon Law wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 10:15:23AM -0300, Gustavo Franco wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > [Send Cc: to me, i'm not subscribed]
> > 
> > I was checking the epic package, because i've ITA on it now.After
> > the check, i've some doubts about the license:
> > 
> > Quoting debian/copyright:
> > 
> > IRC II is copyright (c) 1990 by Michael Sandrof.  You have the 
> > right to copy, compile, and maintain this software.  You also 
> > have the right to make modifcations to this code for local use
> > only.
> > 
> > "...for local use only." ?!
>       Now that I've dug further into this matter, I see this in
> ircii-pana's debian/copyright following a copy of the revised BSD:
>     (This is the new IRC-II copyright, negotiated by David Welton of the
>     Debian Project and applied retroactively by Michael Sandrof and the
>     other original authors.)
>       Looks like epic is OK after all.

At ircii source package i found:

"The following is the copyright of the current development Version. The
Copyright was changed after David Welton of Debian has some talk to
Michael Sandrof."

If ircii and epic are ok with the license, the epic package needs a
update in the copyright file.

David, can you clarify to us?

Gustavo Franco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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