Joe Wreschnig wrote:
On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 18:38, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 22:39, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
That's an overly-expansive view of software. You would include
anything that is digital in that description -- audio CDs, DVD movies,
off-air TV signals,
(actually, off-air TV signals are partly analogue, FYI...)
Except for the newer digital TV broadcasts, completely analogue.
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^
Rephrasing: Let digitalTV and analogTV be the sets of TV signals which are at
least partly digital or analog, respectively. Also, let age() be how long a TV
station has been broadcasting.
digitalTV != { }
analogTV != { }
digitalTV intersect analogTV = { }
exists analogStation @ analogStation in analogTV ^ forall digitalStation @
digitalStation in digitalTV -> age(analogStation) > age(digitalStation)