This prompts an interesting question: Does the Official Debian logo
meet the DFSG test?

DFSG 8 says: License Must Not Be Specific to Debian

Yet the logo's license says:

Debian Official Use Logo License

Copyright (c) 1999 Software in the Public Interest

   1. This logo may only be used if:
          * the product it is used for is made using a documented procedure as 
published on (for example official CD-creation)
          * official approval is given by Debian for its use in this purpose
   2. May be used if an official part of debian (decided using the rules in I) 
is part of the complete product, if it is made clear that only this part is 
officially approved
   3. We reserve the right to revoke a license for a product


Andrea wrote:
Lots of graphics (and probably some audio material, too) come in a
form that can be considered "source code" (because it's not the
preferred form of doing modifications, e.g. a flattened image vs. a
layered one).

If it's the only form available, then suddenly it's the prefered form
for modification. However, in cases like this, maintainers and
upstream authors should really attempt to keep the prefered form for
modification around. In cases where it hasn't been done, we should
work with upstream authors to make sure it happens in the future.

Sure. I feel more relaxed about artistic works which aren't
programs. For example, a graphic image's prefered form for
modification may not even be software; it may be a physical medium
such as a 'grafiti wall'.

Etienne M. Gagnon, Ph.D.   

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