On 2003-09-21 15:41:02 +0100 Roland Mas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  In the same way as you failed to convince anyone that software and
documentation are different.

Please can both sides try to keep their wording tight? Failing to do so only allows this to stretch out further. Software and documentation are different, but not distinct. That is to say: documentation can be software and v-v but may not be.

  If by that you mean we should add an explicit "We define software as
everything non-hardware" clause to our policy, then I'll agree with

The logical conclusion of that process is defining all words in it, then defining all words used in the definitions and so on, which is clearly absurd.

MJR/slef     My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
http://mjr.towers.org.uk/ gopher://g.towers.org.uk/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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