On Tue, 07 Oct 2003, Joe Drew wrote:
> So far as I know, it is not illegal to infringe on somebody else's
> patents. AIUI patent holders can enforce (or not) their patents at
> will by suing, but doing so is their perogative and no law makes it
> wrong for someone to infringe on a patent which isn't being enforced.

Well, it is actually illegal, but if someone isn't enforcing it, you
won't ever be sued for it.[1] The real issue here has to do with
trebble damages and the knowing infringement of someone else's patent,
which is (to put it bluntly) not good.

Don Armstrong

1: It's kind of a no-brainer. If you're getting sued, they must be
enforcing it.
If you wish to strive for peace of soul, then believe; if you wish to
be a devotee of truth, then inquire.
 -- Friedrich Nietzsche


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